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时间: 2024-09-20 07:33:53


1. 我们在春节期间放了很多烟火。

We set off a lot of fireworks during the Spring Festival.

2. 烟火绽放的美丽让人心旷神怡。

The beauty of the fireworks is breathtaking.

3. 孩子们在放烟火时非常兴奋。

The children were very excited when setting off fireworks.

4. 烟火在夜空中绽放出绚丽的色彩。

The fireworks burst into brilliant colors in the night sky.

5. 每年除夕夜,我们都会放烟火庆祝新年的到来。

Every New Year's Eve, we set off fireworks to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

6. 看着烟火绽放的美景,我感到无比幸福。

I feel incredibly happy watching the beautiful display of fireworks.

7. 烟火的声音吸引了很多人前来观看。

The sound of fireworks attracted many people to come and watch.

8. 烟火的光芒映照在湖面上,宛如仙境一般。

The light of the fireworks reflected on the surface of the lake, like a fairyland.

9. 我们在沙滩上放烟火,度过了一个难忘的夜晚。

We set off fireworks on the beach and had an unforgettable night.

10. 烟火绽放的瞬间让人感到无比激动。

The moment when the fireworks burst made people feel extremely excited.

11. 每年的国庆节,城市上空都会燃放烟火。

Every year on National Day, fireworks are set off in the sky of the city.

12. 烟火的绚丽景象吸引了无数游客前来观赏。

The magnificent spectacle of fireworks attracted numerous tourists to come and watch.

13. 燃放烟火需要谨慎,以免引发火灾。

Setting off fireworks requires caution to prevent fires.

14. 烟火的美丽照亮了整个夜晚。

The beauty of the fireworks lit up the entire night.

15. 孩子们在嘴里叼着棒棒糖,一边观看烟火一边欢笑着。

The children watched the fireworks and laughed while holding lollipops in their mouths.

16. 烟火的璀璨光芒映照着大地,仿佛给人带来了无尽的希望。

The dazzling light of the fireworks reflected on the earth, as if bringing endless hope to people.

17. 在这个特别的日子里,我们一起燃放烟火,庆祝我们的胜利。

On this special day, we set off fireworks together to celebrate our victory.

18. 烟火绽放的美景让人陶醉其中,不愿离去。

The beautiful scene of fireworks bursting made people intoxicated and unwilling to leave.

19. 在烟火绽放的瞬间,我许下了美好的愿望。

In the moment of fireworks bursting, I made a beautiful wish.

20. 他们在庆祝活动上放了一场盛大的烟火表演。

They set off a grand fireworks display at the celebration event.

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