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时间: 2024-09-20 07:37:42


1. 他们在田地里栽培玉米。

They cultivate corn in the field.

2. 这个农民很擅长栽培水果。

This farmer is skilled at cultivating fruits.

3. 我们正在栽培一种新品种的花卉。

We are cultivating a new variety of flowers.

4. 这片土地适合栽培葡萄。

This land is suitable for cultivating grapes.

5. 他们在温室里栽培蔬菜。

They cultivate vegetables in the greenhouse.

6. 这个地区以栽培橄榄而闻名。

This region is known for cultivating olives.

7. 农民们每天都在田地里辛勤地栽培庄稼。

Farmers work hard every day to cultivate crops in the fields.

8. 这家农场专门栽培有机农产品。

This farm specializes in cultivating organic produce.

9. 他们在山区栽培了大片的茶园。

They have cultivated large tea plantations in the mountains.

10. 这个国家主要栽培小麦和大米。

This country mainly cultivates wheat and rice.

11. 这片土地非常适合栽培水果。

This land is very suitable for cultivating fruits.

12. 这个园艺师在花园里栽培各种花卉。

This horticulturist cultivates a variety of flowers in the garden.

13. 农民们正在田地里栽培玉米和大豆。

Farmers are cultivating corn and soybeans in the fields.

14. 他们成功地栽培出了一种新的草莓品种。

They have successfully cultivated a new variety of strawberries.

15. 这个地区的土壤非常适合栽培蔬菜。

The soil in this region is very suitable for cultivating vegetables.

16. 她在花园里栽培了一排美丽的玫瑰花。

She cultivated a row of beautiful roses in the garden.

17. 这个农场栽培了大片的向日葵。

This farm cultivated large fields of sunflowers.

18. 这个地区的气候条件适合栽培葡萄酿酒。

The climate in this region is suitable for cultivating grapes for winemaking.

19. 他们在沙漠地区成功地栽培了棉花。

They have successfully cultivated cotton in desert areas.

20. 这个农场以栽培有机蔬菜而闻名。

This farm is known for cultivating organic vegetables.

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