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时间: 2024-10-05 20:42:53


1. 重阳节是中国传统节日之一,人们会登高祭祖,赏菊花。

The Double Ninth Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, people will climb to high places to pay respects to their ancestors and enjoy chrysanthemum flowers.

2. 重阳节这一天,人们会登高寻欢,赏秋景,品菊花,喝菊花酒。

On the Double Ninth Festival, people will climb to high places to enjoy the autumn scenery, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers, and drink chrysanthemum wine.

3. 重阳节,我们一家人会一起登高,享受秋天的美景。

On the Double Ninth Festival, our family will climb to high places together and enjoy the beautiful autumn scenery.

4. 重阳节的习俗包括登高、赏菊、佩艾草、饮菊花酒等。

The customs of the Double Ninth Festival include climbing to high places, enjoying chrysanthemum flowers, wearing mugwort, and drinking chrysanthemum wine.

5. 重阳节是一个传统的节日,人们会纪念和敬仰长辈。

The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional festival where people commemorate and respect their elders.

6. 在重阳节这一天,人们会登高祭祖,感恩长辈的养育之恩。

On the Double Ninth Festival, people will climb to high places to pay respects to their ancestors and express gratitude for the care of their elders.

7. 重阳节是一个重要的传统节日,人们会登高观景,祭祖祈福。

The Double Ninth Festival is an important traditional festival where people climb to high places to enjoy the scenery, pay respects to their ancestors, and pray for blessings.

8. 重阳节的习俗有登高、赏菊、佩艾、饮菊花酒等。

The customs of the Double Ninth Festival include climbing to high places, enjoying chrysanthemum flowers, wearing mugwort, and drinking chrysanthemum wine.

9. 重阳节是一个重要的中国传统节日,人们会登高祭祖,庆祝长辈的节日。

The Double Ninth Festival is an important traditional Chinese festival where people climb to high places to pay respects to their ancestors and celebrate the festival for the elderly.

10. 重阳节是一个传统的节日,人们会登高赏景,庆祝长辈的节日。

The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional festival where people climb to high places to enjoy the scenery and celebrate the festival for the elderly.

11. On the Double Ninth Festival, people will climb to high places to enjoy the scenery and celebrate the festival for the elderly.

12. The customs of the Double Ninth Festival include climbing to high places, enjoying chrysanthemum flowers, wearing mugwort, and drinking chrysanthemum wine.

13. The Double Ninth Festival is an important traditional festival where people climb to high places to enjoy the scenery, pay respects to their ancestors, and pray for blessings.

14. The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional festival where people commemorate and respect their elders.

15. The customs of the Double Ninth Festival include climbing to high places, enjoying chrysanthemum flowers, wearing mugwort, and drinking chrysanthemum wine.

16. On the Double Ninth Festival, people will climb to high places to pay respects to their ancestors and express gratitude for the care of their elders.

17. The Double Ninth Festival is an important traditional Chinese festival where people climb to high places to pay respects to their ancestors and celebrate the festival for the elderly.

18. The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional festival where people climb to high places to enjoy the scenery and celebrate the festival for the elderly.

19. 重阳节是中国传统节日之一,人们会登高祭祖,赏菊花。

The Double Ninth Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, people will climb to high places to pay respects to their ancestors and enjoy chrysanthemum flowers.

20. 重阳节这一天,人们会登高寻欢,赏秋景,品菊花,喝菊花酒。

On the Double Ninth Festival, people will climb to high places to enjoy the autumn scenery, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers, and drink chrysanthemum wine.

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