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时间: 2024-09-20 11:53:26


1. 他们相信天神会保佑他们的家庭和农作物。

They believe that the gods will bless their families and crops.

2. 在古代文化中,天神被视为至高无上的存在。

In ancient cultures, the gods were regarded as the supreme beings.

3. 传说中,天神能够掌控自然界的力量。

According to legend, the gods have the power to control the forces of nature.

4. 他们每年都会举行祭祀仪式,以示对天神的敬意。

They hold annual rituals to show their respect for the gods.

5. 天神的形象常常被描绘成拥有超凡力量的存在。

The image of the gods is often portrayed as beings with extraordinary powers.

6. 在古代神话中,天神被描述为创造世界的力量之一。

In ancient mythology, the gods are described as one of the forces that created the world.

7. 他们相信天神会保佑他们的航海之旅。

They believe that the gods will bless their voyages at sea.

8. 在这个部落中,天神被视为守护者和引导者。

In this tribe, the gods are regarded as protectors and guides.

9. 他们相信天神会在他们最困难的时刻保佑他们。

They believe that the gods will bless them in their most difficult times.

10. 在这个宗教信仰中,天神被认为是人类的创造者。

In this religious belief, the gods are considered the creators of humanity.

11. 他们每年都会举行盛大的庆祝活动,以纪念天神的恩赐。

They hold grand celebrations every year to commemorate the blessings of the gods.

12. 天神的形象经常出现在他们的建筑和艺术作品中。

The image of the gods often appears in their architecture and artwork.

13. 在这个文化中,天神被认为是智慧和力量的象征。

In this culture, the gods are considered symbols of wisdom and power.

14. 他们相信天神会在他们的生活中带来好运和幸福。

They believe that the gods will bring good luck and happiness into their lives.

15. 在这个传统中,天神被视为对人类行为的监督者。

In this tradition, the gods are seen as overseers of human behavior.

16. 他们相信天神会在他们的战斗中保佑他们的军队。

They believe that the gods will bless their armies in battle.

17. 在这个宗教中,天神被认为是对人类的慈悲和宽恕。

In this religion, the gods are considered to be merciful and forgiving towards humanity.

18. 他们每天都会向天神祈祷,以求得力量和指引。

They pray to the gods every day for strength and guidance.

19. 在这个神话中,天神被描述为塑造人类命运的力量。

In this myth, the gods are described as the forces shaping the destiny of humanity.

20. 他们相信天神会在他们的生活中带来和平与安宁。

They believe that the gods will bring peace and tranquility into their lives.

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