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时间: 2024-09-20 08:56:04


1. 我们的项目进度顺利,预计将按时完成。

Our project is progressing smoothly and is expected to be completed on time.

2. 他们在学业上取得了很大的进步。

They have made great progress in their studies.

3. 我们需要更多的时间来评估项目的进展情况。

We need more time to assess the progress of the project.

4. 他们正在积极寻找新的进展方向。

They are actively seeking new avenues for progress.

5. 我们应该及时跟进项目进度。

We should keep track of the project progress in a timely manner.

6. 他们在科学研究领域取得了重大的进展。

They have made significant progress in the field of scientific research.

7. 我们需要更多的数据来评估项目的进度。

We need more data to assess the progress of the project.

8. 他们正在努力提高工作效率,以加快项目进度。

They are working hard to improve work efficiency in order to speed up the project progress.

9. 我们需要明确目标,以便更好地跟踪进度。

We need to clarify our goals in order to better track progress.

10. 他们在技术创新方面取得了令人瞩目的进步。

They have made remarkable progress in technological innovation.

11. 我们必须确保项目进度不受影响。

We must ensure that the project progress is not affected.

12. 他们正努力追赶进度,以赶上竞争对手。

They are working hard to catch up with the competition in terms of progress.

13. 我们需要及时更新进度报告。

We need to update progress reports in a timely manner.

14. 他们已经取得了一些初步进展,但仍有很多工作要做。

They have made some initial progress, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

15. 我们需要密切关注项目进度,以确保一切都按计划进行。

We need to closely monitor the project progress to ensure that everything is going according to plan.

16. 他们正在努力克服困难,以推动项目的进展。

They are working hard to overcome obstacles in order to advance the project progress.

17. 我们需要更多的资源来加快进度。

We need more resources to accelerate progress.

18. 他们正在寻找新的方法来提高效率,以加快进度。

They are looking for new ways to improve efficiency in order to speed up progress.

19. 我们已经取得了一些重要的进展,但仍有很多工作要做。

We have made some significant progress, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

20. 我们需要确保所有团队成员都明白项目的进展情况。

We need to ensure that all team members are aware of the progress of the project.

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