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时间: 2024-09-20 16:26:45


1. 科学是一种系统的知识和方法,用来探索自然界的规律。

Science is a systematic knowledge and method used to explore the laws of nature.

2. 他们用科学的方法来解决这个难题。

They used scientific methods to solve the problem.

3. 科学家们通过实验和观察来验证他们的假设。

Scientists validate their hypotheses through experiments and observations.

4. 这个理论已经被科学界广泛接受。

This theory has been widely accepted in the scientific community.

5. 科学技术的发展对人类的生活产生了深远的影响。

The development of science and technology has had a profound impact on human life.

6. 他们的研究成果被发表在了一本著名的科学杂志上。

Their research findings were published in a famous scientific journal.

7. 科学的进步推动了社会的发展。

The progress of science has driven the development of society.

8. 我对科学和技术方面的知识很感兴趣。

I am very interested in knowledge about science and technology.

9. 科学和艺术在某种程度上是相辅相成的。

Science and art complement each other to some extent.

10. 他们的实验结果证实了他们的假设。

Their experimental results confirmed their hypothesis.

11. 科学家们正在努力寻找解决这个问题的方法。

Scientists are working hard to find a solution to this problem.

12. 这个实验结果与科学理论相悖。

The results of this experiment contradict the scientific theory.

13. 科学家们正在进行一项重大的研究项目。

Scientists are conducting a major research project.

14. 科学教育应该从小学开始。

Science education should start from elementary school.

15. 他们利用最新的科学技术来解决这个难题。

They used the latest scientific technology to solve the problem.

16. 科学是人类认识世界的有效手段。

Science is an effective means for humans to understand the world.

17. 这个理论是基于科学实验和观察的。

This theory is based on scientific experiments and observations.

18. 我们需要更多的科学知识来应对未来的挑战。

We need more scientific knowledge to meet the challenges of the future.

19. 科学家们正在研究新的治疗方法来治愈这种疾病。

Scientists are researching new treatment methods to cure this disease.

20. 科学的发展对人类文明产生了深远的影响。

The development of science has had a profound impact on human civilization.

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