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时间: 2024-09-20 07:39:25


1. 火箭冲天而起,划破了夜空。

The rocket soared into the sky, piercing the night.

2. 瀑布如冲天的巨龙般壮观。

The waterfall was as magnificent as a soaring dragon.

3. 烟花冲天而起,点亮了整个夜空。

The fireworks shot up into the sky, lighting up the whole night.

4. 壮丽的山峰冲天而起,令人叹为观止。

The majestic peaks soared into the sky, leaving people in awe.

5. 烈焰冲天,将整个建筑物吞没。

The flames shot up into the sky, engulfing the entire building.

6. 高楼大厦冲天而起,成为城市的标志性建筑。

The skyscrapers soared into the sky, becoming iconic landmarks of the city.

7. 河水冲天而起,形成了壮观的瀑布。

The river water shot up into the sky, forming a spectacular waterfall.

8. 火山喷发时,熔岩冲天而起,形成了火山喷发的壮观景象。

During a volcanic eruption, lava shot up into the sky, creating a spectacular sight.

9. 他的激情和热情冲天,感染了周围的所有人。

His passion and enthusiasm soared, infecting everyone around him.

10. 她的声音冲天而起,充满了力量和感染力。

Her voice soared, filled with power and charisma.

11. 象征着希望的气球冲天而起,给人们带来了欢乐和祝福。

The balloons, symbolizing hope, soared into the sky, bringing joy and blessings to people.

12. 飞机冲天而起,腾空而起,飞向远方。

The plane soared into the sky, ascending and flying towards the distance.

13. 热气球冲天而起,慢慢地飘向远方。

The hot air balloon shot up into the sky, slowly drifting towards the distance.

14. 他的声音冲天而起,响彻整个会场。

His voice soared, echoing throughout the entire venue.

15. 烟雾冲天而起,笼罩了整个城市。

The smoke shot up into the sky, shrouding the entire city.

16. 瀑布的水柱冲天而起,形成了壮观的景象。

The waterfall's water column shot up into the sky, creating a spectacular sight.

17. 战机冲天而起,划破了宁静的天空。

The fighter jets soared into the sky, breaking the tranquil sky.

18. 烟火冲天而起,照亮了夜空。

The fireworks shot up into the sky, illuminating the night.

19. 火箭冲天而起,带着载人舱进入太空。

The rocket soared into the sky, carrying a manned capsule into space.

20. 阳光冲天而起,照耀了整个大地。

The sun soared into the sky, shining on the entire earth.

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