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时间: 2024-10-05 19:30:49


1. 他拿出一些银两付账。

He took out some silver coins to pay the bill.

2. 这些银两是我爷爷留下来的。

These silver coins were left by my grandfather.

3. 在古代,银两是主要的货币形式之一。

In ancient times, silver coins were one of the main forms of currency.

4. 我们需要一些银两来购买食物和衣物。

We need some silver coins to buy food and clothing.

5. 这枚银两是我家族的传家之宝。

This silver coin is a family heirloom.

6. 他们用银两交换了一匹马。

They exchanged a horse for silver coins.

7. 这些银两的价值在市场上很高。

The value of these silver coins is high in the market.

8. 他们在河边挖到了一些埋藏的银两。

They dug up some buried silver coins by the river.

9. 她收到了一些银两作为生日礼物。

She received some silver coins as a birthday gift.

10. 他们在地下室发现了一袋银两。

They found a bag of silver coins in the basement.

11. 老板给了我一些银两做为奖励。

The boss gave me some silver coins as a reward.

12. 这些银两可以用来购买土地。

These silver coins can be used to buy land.

13. 在古代,银两是进行贸易的重要货币。

In ancient times, silver coins were an important currency for trade.

14. 这些银两是我家族的家传之宝。

These silver coins are a family heirloom.

15. 他们用一袋银两来交换一块宝石。

They exchanged a bag of silver coins for a gemstone.

16. 我们需要一些银两来支付房租。

We need some silver coins to pay the rent.

17. 银两在古代是一种重要的财富。

Silver coins were an important form of wealth in ancient times.

18. 他们用一些银两购买了一幅名画。

They used some silver coins to buy a famous painting.

19. 这枚银两的历史可以追溯到几百年前。

The history of this silver coin can be traced back hundreds of years.

20. 他们在沙滩上找到了一些被冲走的银两。

They found some washed away silver coins on the beach.

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