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时间: 2024-09-17 13:20:23


1. Although it was raining, we still went for a walk. 尽管下雨,我们还是去散步了。

2. Although he is young, he is very talented. 尽管他年纪轻,但他很有天赋。

3. Although she was tired, she continued working. 尽管她很累,她还是继续工作。

4. Although the movie was long, it was very entertaining. 尽管电影很长,但很有趣。

5. Although the food was expensive, it was delicious. 尽管食物很贵,但很美味。

6. Although it was cold, the sun was shining. 尽管天气很冷,但阳光灿烂。

7. Although she is busy, she always makes time for her family. 尽管她很忙,她总是抽出时间陪家人。

8. Although the test was difficult, she managed to pass. 尽管考试很难,她还是通过了。

9. Although he is wealthy, he lives a simple life. 尽管他很富有,他过着简朴的生活。

10. Although he loves her, he cannot be with her. 尽管他爱她,但不能和她在一起。

11. Although it was late, she decided to go for a run. 尽管很晚了,她还是决定去跑步。

12. Although the book was old, it was still in good condition. 尽管这本书很旧,但还是保存完好。

13. Although it was a small gesture, it meant a lot to her. 尽管这只是一个小举动,对她来说意义重大。

14. Although she is shy, she is very friendly. 尽管她害羞,但她很友好。

15. Although it was a risk, he decided to take the job. 尽管这是个风险,他还是决定接受这份工作。

16. Although they are different, they get along very well. 尽管他们不同,但相处得很好。

17. Although he is smart, he lacks common sense. 尽管他很聪明,但缺乏常识。

18. Although it was a long journey, it was worth it. 尽管是一段漫长的旅程,但很值得。

19. Although she is successful, she remains humble. 尽管她很成功,但仍然谦逊。

20. Although it was painful, she knew it was necessary. 尽管很痛苦,但她知道这是必要的。

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