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时间: 2024-10-06 20:02:53


1. The rise of anti-intellectualism in politics is a troubling trend that undermines the value of expertise and knowledge.(政治中反智主义的兴起是一个令人担忧的趋势,它破坏了专业知识和知识的价值。)

2. The anti-intellectualism of some individuals leads them to dismiss scientific evidence and rely on gut feelings instead.(一些人的反智主义导致他们忽视科学证据,而依赖直觉。)

3. Anti-intellectualism can be seen in the rejection of critical thinking and rational discourse in favor of simplistic solutions and emotional appeals.(反智主义体现在拒绝批判性思维和理性讨论,而倾向于简单的解决方案和情感上诉。)

4. The anti-intellectualism of the group was evident in their disdain for education and expertise.(该团体的反智主义在他们对教育和专业知识的蔑视中显而易见。)

5. Anti-intellectualism can hinder progress and innovation by discouraging intellectual curiosity and critical thinking.(反智主义可能会通过阻碍知识的求知欲和批判性思维来阻碍进步和创新。)

6. The anti-intellectualism of the regime led to the suppression of intellectuals and the promotion of ignorance.(政权的反智主义导致对知识分子的镇压和无知的推崇。)

7. Anti-intellectualism is often used as a tool by authoritarian regimes to control and manipulate the population.(反智主义经常被专制政权用来控制和操纵人民。)

8. The anti-intellectualism of the group was evident in their rejection of experts and scholars.(该团体的反智主义在他们对专家和学者的拒绝中显而易见。)

9. Anti-intellectualism can lead to a society that values ignorance over knowledge and discourages critical thinking.(反智主义可能会导致一个更看重无知而非知识的社会,并抑制批判性思维。)

10. The anti-intellectualism of the leader was evident in his disdain for education and expertise.(领导人的反智主义在他对教育和专业知识的蔑视中显而易见。)

11. Anti-intellectualism can have serious consequences for a society, leading to a lack of innovation and progress.(反智主义对一个社会可能会带来严重后果,导致缺乏创新和进步。)

12. The anti-intellectualism of the group was evident in their dismissal of intellectual pursuits and critical thinking.(该团体的反智主义在他们对知识追求和批判性思维的忽视中显而易见。)

13. Anti-intellectualism is a dangerous ideology that can undermine the foundations of a democratic society.(反智主义是一种危险的意识形态,可能会破坏民主社会的基础。)

14. The rise of anti-intellectualism in the media has led to a decline in the quality of public discourse.(媒体中反智主义的兴起导致了公共话语质量的下降。)

15. Anti-intellectualism can lead to a society that values ignorance and emotional appeals over knowledge and expertise.(反智主义可能会导致一个更看重无知和情感上诉而非知识和专业知识的社会。)

16. The anti-intellectualism of the group was evident in their rejection of evidence-based reasoning and critical analysis.(该团体的反智主义在他们对基于证据的推理和批判性分析的拒绝中显而易见。)

17. Anti-intellectualism can hinder the development of a society by discouraging intellectual curiosity and critical thinking.(反智主义可能会通过阻碍知识的求知欲和批判性思维来阻碍社会的发展。)

18. The anti-intellectualism of the regime led to the suppression of intellectual freedom and the promotion of ignorance.(政权的反智主义导致了对知识自由的镇压和无知的推崇。)

19. Anti-intellectualism is often used as a tactic by those in power to maintain control and suppress dissent.(反智主义经常被当权者用作维持控制和压制异议的策略。)

20. The anti-intellectualism of the group was evident in their rejection of expertise and reliance on intuition.(该团体的反智主义在他们对专业知识的拒绝和依赖直觉中显而易见。)

上一个 【英语】anti-consumerism的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】anxiety的例句



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