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时间: 2024-09-19 11:29:42


1. The company is associated with several well-known charities.(这家公司与几家知名的慈善机构有关。)

2. Smoking is often associated with various health problems.(吸烟常常与各种健康问题有关。)

3. The artist is closely associated with the Impressionist movement.(这位艺术家与印象派运动密切相关。)

4. Poor diet and lack of exercise are associated with obesity.(不良饮食和缺乏运动与肥胖有关。)

5. The new product is associated with cutting-edge technology.(这种新产品与尖端技术有关。)

6. She is associated with the company as a consultant.(她以顾问的身份与公司有关。)

7. The disease is often associated with old age.(这种疾病常常与老年有关。)

8. The artist's name has become associated with avant-garde art.(这位艺术家的名字已经与前卫艺术联系在一起。)

9. The politician is associated with several controversial policies.(这位政治家与几项有争议的政策有关。)

10. The brand is associated with luxury and exclusivity.(这个品牌与奢华和独特性有关。)

11. The smell of fresh bread is often associated with comfort and home.(新鲜面包的香味常常与舒适和家的感觉有关。)

12. The company's success is closely associated with its innovative approach.(公司的成功与其创新方法密切相关。)

13. The musician is associated with several famous bands.(这位音乐家与几支知名乐队有关。)

14. The word "freedom" is often associated with independence and liberty.(“自由”这个词常常与独立和自由联系在一起。)

15. The actor became associated with a particular type of role early in his career.(这位演员在职业生涯早期就与某种类型的角色联系在一起。)

16. The new discovery is associated with groundbreaking research in the field of medicine.(这一新发现与医学领域的突破性研究有关。)

17. The company's logo has become associated with quality and reliability.(公司的商标已经与质量和可靠性联系在一起。)

18. The disease is often associated with exposure to certain environmental toxins.(这种疾病常常与暴露于某些环境毒素有关。)

19. The artist's work is often associated with themes of nature and spirituality.(这位艺术家的作品常常与自然和灵性主题有关。)

20. The term "fake news" has become associated with misinformation and propaganda.(“假新闻”这个词已经与错误信息和宣传联系在一起。)

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