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时间: 2024-09-19 11:50:02


1. I'm meeting my friends at the bar tonight.(今晚我要在酒吧和朋友们见面。)

2. The bartender is making me a cocktail at the bar.(酒吧里的调酒师正在为我调制一杯鸡尾酒。)

3. We sat at the bar and watched the game on TV.(我们坐在吧台上看电视直播比赛。)

4. The bar was packed with people celebrating New Year's Eve.(酒吧里挤满了庆祝新年的人。)

5. I need to rest my feet, let's find a bar to sit in.(我需要休息一下,我们找个酒吧坐一下吧。)

6. The bar serves a variety of craft beers.(这家酒吧供应各种精酿啤酒。)

7. She works as a bartender at a popular bar downtown.(她在市中心一家热门酒吧当调酒师。)

8. The bar offers a happy hour with discounted drinks.(这家酒吧提供优惠时段的折扣饮品。)

9. We ordered some appetizers at the bar before dinner.(我们在晚餐前在酒吧点了些开胃菜。)

10. The bar has a live band playing tonight.(酒吧今晚有现场乐队表演。)

11. The bar has a great selection of wines from around the world.(这家酒吧供应来自世界各地的精选葡萄酒。)

12. I like to sit at the bar and chat with the bartender.(我喜欢坐在吧台上和调酒师聊天。)

13. The bar is known for its signature cocktails.(这家酒吧以其招牌鸡尾酒而闻名。)

14. The bar has a cozy atmosphere with dim lighting.(酒吧的氛围很舒适,灯光昏暗。)

15. The bar has a strict dress code for entry.(进入这家酒吧有严格的着装要求。)

16. The bar has a pool table for customers to use.(这家酒吧有台球桌供顾客使用。)

17. The bar is hosting a trivia night next week.(酒吧下周将举办一个知识问答之夜。)

18. The bar has a rooftop patio with a beautiful view of the city.(酒吧有一个屋顶露台,可以欣赏到城市的美丽景色。)

19. The bar has a happy hour with discounted drinks and appetizers.(这家酒吧有优惠时段,提供折扣饮品和开胃菜。)

20. The bar is a popular spot for locals to gather and socialize.(这家酒吧是当地人聚会社交的热门地点。)

上一个 【英语】banquet的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】Barcelona的例句



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