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时间: 2024-09-17 13:39:40


1. I stayed home because I wasn't feeling well. 因为我感觉不舒服,所以我呆在家里。

2. I didn't go to the party because I had to study for an exam. 我没去参加派对,因为我得准备考试。

3. She's upset because she didn't get the job. 她很沮丧,因为她没有得到那份工作。

4. I'm happy because I got a promotion at work. 我很高兴,因为我在工作上得到了晋升。

5. We had to cancel the picnic because of the rain. 因为下雨,我们不得不取消野餐。

6. He's late because his car broke down. 他迟到了,因为他的车抛锚了。

7. I'm tired because I didn't get enough sleep last night. 我感到疲倦,因为昨晚没睡好。

8. She's angry because someone stole her wallet. 她生气了,因为有人偷了她的钱包。

9. I'm excited because I'm going on vacation next week. 我很兴奋,因为下周我要去度假了。

10. They missed the bus because they were running late. 他们错过了公交车,因为他们迟到了。

11. I love hiking because I enjoy being in nature. 我喜欢徒步旅行,因为我喜欢身处大自然中。

12. He didn't eat dinner because he wasn't hungry. 他没吃晚饭,因为他没饿。

13. I'm worried because I haven't heard from my friend in a long time. 我很担心,因为我很久没收到朋友的消息了。

14. She's successful because she works hard and stays focused. 她成功是因为她努力工作,并且保持专注。

15. We were late for the movie because of traffic. 我们因为交通堵塞而迟到电影院。

16. I'm broke because I spent all my money on a new phone. 我身无分文,因为我把所有的钱都花在了新手机上。

17. She's upset because her favorite team lost the game. 她很失望,因为她喜欢的球队输了比赛。

18. He's in a hurry because he has a meeting in 10 minutes. 他很着急,因为他10分钟后有个会议。

19. I'm happy because I just got accepted into my dream college. 我很开心,因为我刚刚被梦想中的大学录取了。

20. They're moving to a new city because of a job transfer. 他们因为工作调动而搬到了新的城市。

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