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时间: 2024-09-10 05:16:55


1. The bitter taste of the medicine made it hard to swallow.


2. She couldn't hide her bitter disappointment when she didn't get the job.


3. The bitter cold of the winter made it difficult to go outside.


4. He spoke with bitter resentment about the way he had been treated.


5. The bitter rivalry between the two teams was evident in their intense game.


6. The bitter truth was hard for him to accept.


7. She gave him a bitter smile as she remembered their past together.


8. The bitter argument left a rift between them that was hard to mend.


9. The bitter taste of defeat lingered in his mouth long after the game was over.


10. She had a bitter experience with love and was now wary of getting too close to anyone.


11. The bitter cold wind cut through their clothes as they walked through the snow.


12. His bitter words stung her deeply, leaving her feeling hurt and betrayed.


13. The bitter taste of the coffee was a result of using old, stale beans.


14. The bitter rivalry between the two siblings had been going on for years.


15. The bitter truth was finally revealed, causing a lot of pain and heartache.


16. The bitter taste of failure motivated her to work even harder to succeed.


17. The bitter cold of the winter made it difficult to stay warm, no matter how many layers they wore.


18. She had a bitter outlook on life after facing so many hardships.


19. The bitter taste of betrayal lingered in her mouth long after the friendship had ended.


20. He had a bitter attitude towards authority figures due to past experiences of being mistreated.


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