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时间: 2024-09-10 06:53:56


1. I love to read a good book before bed.(我喜欢在睡前读一本好书。)

2. She always carries a book with her wherever she goes.(她无论到哪里都带着一本书。)

3. Have you read the latest book by your favorite author?(你读过你最喜欢的作家的最新书了吗?)

4. He spent the whole weekend immersed in a great book.(他整个周末都沉浸在一本好书中。)

5. The library has a wide selection of books on various topics.(图书馆有各种各样的书籍可供选择。)

6. I need to return this book to the library by next week.(我需要在下周把这本书还给图书馆。)

7. She couldn't put the book down once she started reading it.(她一开始读这本书后就停不下来了。)

8. The book club meets once a month to discuss their latest read.(读书俱乐部每月聚会一次讨论他们最新读的书。)

9. The book was so captivating that I finished it in one sitting.(这本书太吸引人了,我一口气读完了。)

10. I always find solace in the pages of a good book.(在一本好书的页页中,我总能找到安慰。)

11. Reading a book is a great way to unwind after a long day.(在漫长的一天后读一本书是一个很好的放松方式。)

12. The book provides a fascinating insight into the author's life.(这本书提供了对作者生活的迷人见解。)

13. She has a collection of rare and valuable books in her personal library.(她在个人图书馆中收藏了一些稀有而有价值的书籍。)

14. The book contains a wealth of knowledge on the subject.(这本书包含了关于这个主题的丰富知识。)

15. I can't wait to dive into this new book I just bought.(我迫不及待地想开始阅读我刚买的这本新书。)

16. The book was recommended to me by a friend, and I'm loving it so far.(这本书是我朋友推荐给我的,到目前为止我很喜欢。)

17. She has a habit of annotating her books with notes and highlights.(她有个习惯,在书上做笔记和标注。)

18. The book has been translated into multiple languages due to its popularity.(由于它的受欢迎程度,这本书已被翻译成多种语言。)

19. I always make sure to bookmark my place in a book before closing it.(在合上书之前,我总是确保在书中做一个书签。)

20. The book's ending left me feeling both satisfied and wanting more.(这本书的结尾让我既满足又想要更多。)

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