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时间: 2024-09-17 13:20:56


1. The basketball bounced off the rim and into the net. (篮球从篮筐上弹起,进入篮网。)

2. The children had a great time bouncing on the trampoline. (孩子们在蹦床上跳得很开心。)

3. She couldn't resist the urge to bounce on the bed. (她忍不住想在床上蹦跳。)

4. The tennis ball bounced once before rolling out of reach. (网球弹了一下,然后滚出了手边。)

5. The rubber ball bounced back up after hitting the ground. (橡皮球在触地后又弹了起来。)

6. The stock price bounced back after a period of decline. (股价在一段时间的下跌后反弹了回来。)

7. The check bounced because there wasn't enough money in the account. (支票因账户余额不足而被退票。)

8. The boxer delivered a powerful punch that made his opponent bounce off the ropes. (拳击手出拳很有力,使对手从绳子上弹开。)

9. The music had a lively, bouncy rhythm that made everyone want to dance. (音乐有一种活泼的节奏,让每个人都想跳舞。)

10. The ball bounced off the wall and hit me in the face. (球从墙上弹起,击中了我的脸。)

11. The company's profits are expected to bounce back next year. (预计公司的利润明年会反弹回来。)

12. The children were bouncing with excitement at the thought of going to the amusement park. (孩子们因为去游乐园的想法而兴奋得跳了起来。)

13. The rubber ball bounced off the sidewalk and into the street. (橡皮球从人行道上弹起,滚进了街道。)

14. The company's stock price bounced around wildly throughout the day. (公司的股价在一天内剧烈波动。)

15. The check bounced because the account had been closed. (支票被退票是因为账户已经关闭。)

16. She couldn't help but bounce with joy when she heard the good news. (她听到好消息时,忍不住跳跃着庆祝。)

17. The ball bounced off the wall and landed in the flower bed. (球从墙上弹起,落入了花坛。)

18. The company's reputation took a hit, but it quickly bounced back. (公司的声誉受到了打击,但很快就恢复了过来。)

19. The children were bouncing up and down with excitement. (孩子们兴奋地上蹿下跳。)

20. The ball bounced off the table and onto the floor. (球从桌子上弹起,掉到了地板上。)

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