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时间: 2024-09-17 13:39:31


1. I need to take a break from work and go for a walk.(我需要休息一下,去散步)

2. The plate slipped from my hands and broke into pieces.(盘子从我手中滑落,摔成了碎片)

3. Let's take a break and have some coffee.(让我们休息一下,喝杯咖啡)

4. He needs a break from the stress of his job.(他需要从工作压力中解脱一下)

5. The news of their breakup was devastating.(他们分手的消息令人心碎)

6. The criminal managed to break out of prison.(罪犯设法逃出监狱)

7. The storm caused the tree to break in half.(风暴导致树折断了一半)

8. Let's take a break and come back to this problem later.(让我们休息一下,稍后再回来解决这个问题)

9. She needed a break to catch her breath.(她需要休息一下,喘口气)

10. The news of the accident was enough to break his heart.(事故的消息足以令他心碎)

11. The team managed to break through the enemy's defenses.(团队设法突破了敌人的防御)

12. The vase fell and broke into a million pieces.(花瓶掉落,摔成了无数碎片)

13. I need to take a break from social media for a while.(我需要暂时远离社交媒体休息一下)

14. The news of the company's bankruptcy came as a shock.(公司破产的消息令人震惊)

15. The prisoner tried to break free from his handcuffs.(囚犯试图挣脱手铐)

16. The loud noise caused the glass to break.(巨大的噪音导致玻璃破裂)

17. She needed a break from the toxic relationship.(她需要摆脱那段有害的关系)

18. The horse broke into a gallop as soon as it was let loose.(马一放开就开始飞奔)

19. The news of his illness was enough to break her spirit.(他病了的消息足以打击她的精神)

20. I need a break from all the drama in my life.(我需要远离我生活中的所有戏剧)

上一个 【英语】bread的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】breakdown的例句



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