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时间: 2024-09-17 13:25:12


1. The cool breeze off the ocean felt refreshing on a hot summer day.

2. She danced in the breeze, her dress swirling around her.

3. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves in the trees.

4. We sat on the porch, enjoying the breeze and watching the sunset.

5. The breeze carried the scent of flowers from the garden.

6. A light breeze ruffled the surface of the water.

7. The breeze blew through the open window, bringing in the smell of the sea.

8. We went for a walk in the park and felt the breeze against our faces.

9. The breeze made the wind chimes on the porch sing.

10. The breeze carried the sound of laughter from the nearby playground.

11. He sailed his boat with the help of a steady breeze.

12. The breeze gently rocked the hammock as she relaxed in the shade.

13. The breeze carried the sound of distant music to our ears.

14. The breeze ruffled the feathers of the birds as they flew overhead.

15. The breeze blew through the fields, causing the tall grass to sway.

16. She closed her eyes and let the breeze wash over her, clearing her mind.

17. The breeze brought relief from the sweltering heat of the day.

18. The breeze carried the promise of rain in the air.

19. The breeze played with the curtains, making them dance in the sunlight.

20. The gentle breeze whispered through the trees, creating a peaceful atmosphere.


1. 海风吹来的凉风在炎热的夏日里让人感到清爽。

2. 她在微风中起舞,裙摆围绕着她旋转。

3. 微风拂动着树叶。

4. 我们坐在门廊上,享受微风,看着日落。

5. 微风带来了花园里的花香。

6. 微风轻轻吹拂水面。

7. 微风从敞开的窗户吹进来,带来了海的气息。

8. 我们在公园里散步,感受微风拂面。

9. 微风让门廊上的风铃响起来。

10. 微风传来了附近游乐场的笑声。

11. 他利用稳定的微风驾驶他的小船。

12. 微风让吊床轻轻摇晃,她在阴凉处放松身心。

13. 微风将远处音乐的声音带到我们的耳中。

14. 微风拂动鸟儿的羽毛,它们飞过头顶。

15. 微风吹过田野,使高高的草摇曳。

16. 她闭上眼睛,让微风洗涤她的心灵,使思绪清晰。

17. 微风带来了对炎热天气的减轻。

18. 微风中带着降雨的预兆。

19. 微风玩弄着窗帘,在阳光中舞动。

20. 微风轻声在树间低语,营造出宁静的氛围。

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