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时间: 2024-09-20 06:08:32


1. I forgot to bring my camera to the concert, so I couldn't take any pictures.


2. The camera on my phone takes really clear pictures.


3. The security camera caught the thief in the act.


4. She loves photography and has a collection of vintage cameras.


5. The camera adds 10 pounds, they say.


6. Can you show me how to use this camera?


7. The camera flash was too bright and made everyone blink in the photo.


8. The camera zoomed in on the action, capturing every detail.


9. The camera's battery died right as we were about to take a group photo.


10. The camera crew set up their equipment to film the documentary.


11. 她的相机是她的宝贝,她带着它到处拍照。

(Her camera is her baby, she takes it everywhere to take photos.)

12. 这个相机的像素非常高,拍出来的照片非常清晰。

(The camera has very high pixels, the photos taken are very clear.)

13. 当我按下快门时,相机突然失灵了。

(The camera suddenly malfunctioned when I pressed the shutter.)

14. 这台相机有很多高级功能,需要一些时间来学会使用。

(This camera has many advanced features, it takes some time to learn how to use it.)

15. 摄影师用相机捕捉到了美丽的日落景色。

(The photographer captured the beautiful sunset with the camera.)


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