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时间: 2024-09-17 13:32:55


1. The weather can change quickly in the mountains.(山区的天气会迅速变化。)

2. She decided to change her career and become a teacher.(她决定改变职业,成为一名教师。)

3. We need to change our approach to solving this problem.(我们需要改变解决这个问题的方法。)

4. The company is going through a period of significant change.(公司正在经历一个重大变革期。)

5. Can you change a twenty-dollar bill for me?(你能给我换一张20美元的钞票吗?)

6. She changed her mind about going to the party.(她改变了去参加派对的主意。)

7. The new manager wants to change the way things are done around here.(新经理想要改变这里的工作方式。)

8. The seasons change four times a year.(四季更迭,每年四次。)

9. I need to change my clothes before we go out.(我们出门前我需要换衣服。)

10. He changed his hairstyle to something more modern.(他把发型改成了更时尚的样式。)

11. Change is inevitable in life.(生活中变化是不可避免的。)

12. She is trying to change her bad habits.(她正在努力改掉自己的坏习惯。)

13. The color of the leaves will change from green to red in the fall.(叶子的颜色在秋天会由绿色变为红色。)

14. He needs to change his attitude towards work.(他需要改变对工作的态度。)

15. Can you spare some change for the homeless man on the street?(你能给街上的无家可归者一些零钱吗?)

16. The political landscape in the country is constantly changing.(国家的政治局势一直在不断变化。)

17. After the accident, his life changed dramatically.(事故发生后,他的生活发生了巨大变化。)

18. The store policy does not allow returns or exchanges without a receipt.(商店政策规定没有收据就不能退货或换货。)

19. She decided to change her major in college to pursue her true passion.(她决定改变大学专业,追求自己真正的热情。)

20. Change can be difficult, but it is necessary for growth and progress.(改变可能很困难,但对于成长和进步是必要的。)

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