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时间: 2024-09-10 05:48:17


1. The clock on the wall began to chime, signaling the start of the new hour.(挂在墙上的钟开始报时,标志着新的小时开始了。)

2. The chime of church bells filled the air as the newlyweds exchanged vows.(教堂钟声响彻空气,新婚夫妇交换誓言。)

3. I love the chime of wind chimes in the garden, it's so peaceful.(我喜欢花园里风铃的声音,那种宁静让人感到愉悦。)

4. The chime of the doorbell interrupted their conversation.(门铃的声音打断了他们的谈话。)

5. The chime of the grandfather clock echoed through the empty house.(古董钟的报时声在空荡荡的房子里回荡。)

6. The chime of the gong signaled the beginning of the ceremony.(锣声响起,标志着仪式的开始。)

7. The chime of the ice cream truck's bell drew a crowd of excited children.(冰淇淋车的铃声吸引了一群兴奋的孩子。)

8. The chime of the church bells could be heard in the distance as the sun set.(随着太阳落山,教堂钟声在远处传来。)

9. The chime of the music box soothed the baby to sleep.(音乐盒的声音让婴儿入睡。)

10. The chime of the wind chimes on the porch created a calming atmosphere.(门廊上风铃的声音营造出一种宁静的氛围。)

11. 当钟声响起时,学生们开始排队离开教室。(When the chime sounded, the students began to line up to leave the classroom.)

12. 风铃的悦耳声音使得整个花园充满了宁静。(The pleasant chime of the wind chimes filled the entire garden with tranquility.)

13. 他听到门铃声,知道有人来访。(He heard the chime of the doorbell and knew someone was visiting.)

14. 在傍晚的时候,教堂钟声传来,让人感到神圣庄严。(In the evening, the chime of the church bells rang out, creating a sense of sanctity.)

15. 音乐盒的轻柔声音使得整个房间充满了温馨气氛。(The gentle chime of the music box filled the room with a cozy atmosphere.)

16. 风铃的声音在微风中响起,让人感到宁静与平静。(The chime of the wind chimes rang out in the breeze, bringing a sense of peace and calm.)

17. 当钟声响起时,孩子们都兴奋地奔向教室门口。(When the chime sounded, the children excitedly ran towards the classroom door.)

18. 铁门的门铃声响起,打破了宁静的夜晚。(The chime of the iron gate's doorbell rang out, breaking the silence of the night.)

19. 每当教堂钟声响起,人们都会停下手中的工作,默默祈祷。(Whenever the chime of the church bells rang out, people would stop their work and silently pray.)

20. 风铃的声音在夏日的午后传来,给人一种清凉的感觉。(The chime of the wind chimes rang out in the summer afternoon, giving a cool sensation.)

上一个 【英语】chill的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】chimney的例句



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