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时间: 2024-09-10 05:37:48


1. My classmate and I are working on a project together.


2. I have known my classmate since we were in elementary school.


3. My classmate is always willing to help me with my homework.


4. I sat next to my classmate during the exam.


5. My classmate is very friendly and easy to get along with.


6. My classmate and I often study together in the library.


7. My classmate and I are both interested in the same subject.


8. My classmate and I are planning to attend the same college next year.


9. My classmate is the top student in our class.


10. My classmate and I often hang out together after school.


11. 我的同学非常聪明,总是能很快地掌握新知识。

(My classmate is very intelligent and always quick to grasp new knowledge.)

12. 我的同学是个很有趣的人,我们总是能找到共同的话题聊天。

(My classmate is a very interesting person, and we always find common topics to chat about.)

13. 我的同学在课堂上总是表现出色,老师对他印象很好。

(My classmate always performs well in class, and the teacher has a good impression of him.)

14. 我的同学是我最好的朋友之一,我们一起度过了很多美好的时光。

(My classmate is one of my best friends, and we have spent many wonderful times together.)

15. 我的同学总是很乐于助人,对待每个人都非常友好。

(My classmate is always willing to help others and is very friendly to everyone.)

16. 我的同学是个很有潜力的人,我相信他将来一定会取得很大成就。

(My classmate is a very promising person, and I believe he will achieve great success in the future.)

17. 我的同学对学习非常认真,每次考试都能取得很好的成绩。

(My classmate is very serious about studying and always achieves good grades in exams.)

18. 我的同学和我有很多共同的兴趣爱好,我们经常一起参加活动。

(My classmate and I have many common interests and hobbies, and we often participate in activities together.)

19. 我的同学是个很有责任感的人,经常帮助其他同学解决问题。

(My classmate is a very responsible person and often helps other classmates solve problems.)

20. 我的同学虽然外表严肃,但其实是个很幽默的人,经常能逗大家开心。

(My classmate may look serious, but he is actually a very humorous person and often makes everyone laugh.)

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