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时间: 2024-09-17 13:29:04


1. She molded the clay into a beautiful vase. 她把黏土塑造成了一个漂亮的花瓶。

2. The children enjoyed playing with the clay and making different shapes. 孩子们喜欢玩黏土,做出各种不同的形状。

3. Clay is often used in pottery and sculpture. 黏土常常被用于制陶和雕塑。

4. The clay was soft and pliable, making it easy to work with. 黏土很软和有韧性,很容易加工。

5. The artist used clay to create a lifelike sculpture of a horse. 艺术家用黏土创作了一尊栩栩如生的马雕塑。

6. The soil in this area is rich in clay. 这个地区的土壤富含黏土。

7. Clay can be found in various colors, including red, brown, and gray. 黏土有各种颜色,包括红色、棕色和灰色。

8. The potter carefully shaped the clay on the spinning wheel. 陶工在旋转的陶轮上仔细地塑造黏土。

9. The artist used a kiln to fire the clay and harden it into pottery. 艺术家用窑烧烤黏土,将其变成陶器。

10. The clay was too wet to work with, so we had to let it dry out for a few days. 黏土太湿了,我们得让它晾干几天才能加工。

11. The children made clay animals and painted them with bright colors. 孩子们做了黏土动物,并用鲜艳的颜色给它们上色。

12. The construction workers dug into the clay to lay the foundation for the building. 建筑工人挖掘黏土,为建筑物铺设基础。

13. The potter used a special tool to smooth out the surface of the clay pot. 陶工用特殊工具把黏土罐的表面抹平。

14. Clay has been used for centuries to create functional and decorative items. 黏土已经被用了几个世纪来制作功能性和装饰性物品。

15. The children's hands were covered in clay after their art project. 孩子们的手在艺术项目后被黏土弄脏了。

16. The clay figurines were delicate and finely crafted. 黏土人偶精致而精细地制作。

17. The artist used a variety of techniques to manipulate the clay into unique shapes. 艺术家使用了各种技巧来操纵黏土,制作出独特的形状。

18. The clay was too hard to mold, so we had to add water to soften it. 黏土太硬了,我们得加水软化它。

19. The potter carefully carved intricate designs into the surface of the clay bowl. 陶工小心翼翼地在黏土碗的表面雕刻复杂的设计。

20. Clay is a versatile material that can be used for a wide range of artistic and practical purposes. 黏土是一种多用途的材料,可以用于各种艺术和实用目的。

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