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时间: 2024-09-10 07:52:37


1. The detective followed the suspect closely as he made his way through the crowded city streets.(侦探紧随嫌疑犯穿过拥挤的城市街道。)

2. The two friends sat closely together on the park bench, sharing stories and laughter.(两位朋友紧紧地坐在公园长椅上,分享着故事和笑声。)

3. The scientist examined the data closely to look for any patterns or anomalies.(科学家仔细检查数据,寻找任何模式或异常。)

4. The teacher watched closely as her students worked on their assignments, ready to offer help if needed.(老师密切关注着学生们完成作业的情况,随时准备提供帮助。)

5. The chef supervised the kitchen staff closely to ensure that all dishes were prepared to perfection.(厨师密切监督厨房工作人员,确保所有菜肴都做得完美。)

6. The coach observed the players closely during practice, noting areas for improvement.(教练在训练期间密切观察球员,注意需要改进的地方。)

7. The doctor examined the patient closely, looking for any signs of illness or injury.(医生仔细检查病人,寻找任何疾病或伤害的迹象。)

8. The photographer focused closely on the intricate details of the flower, capturing its beauty in a close-up shot.(摄影师将焦点紧紧放在花朵的复杂细节上,用特写拍摄捕捉其美丽。)

9. The team members worked closely together to complete the project on time and within budget.(团队成员密切合作,按时并在预算内完成项目。)

10. The siblings sat closely huddled together around the campfire, sharing stories and roasting marshmallows.(兄弟姐妹们紧紧地挨坐在篝火旁,分享着故事,烤着棉花糖。)


1. 紧紧地、密切地

2. 密切关注、密切监督

3. 紧密合作、紧密协作

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