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时间: 2024-09-17 13:34:53


1. The company offered him a generous compensation package to entice him to join their team.(公司提供了丰厚的薪酬套餐,以吸引他加入他们的团队。)

2. She received financial compensation for the damages caused by the car accident.(她因车祸造成的损失收到了经济补偿。)

3. The workers demanded fair compensation for their overtime work.(工人们要求加班工作得到公平的补偿。)

4. The insurance company provided compensation to the homeowner for the fire damage to their property.(保险公司为房主因火灾损坏房产提供了赔偿。)

5. The athlete received a hefty compensation for endorsing the sports drink.(这位运动员因代言这款运动饮料收到了丰厚的报酬。)

6. The government offered compensation to the residents affected by the construction of the new highway.(政府向受到新公路建设影响的居民提供了赔偿。)

7. The company's policy on compensation for employees is very competitive in the industry.(公司对员工薪酬的政策在行业内非常具有竞争力。)

8. She felt that the monetary compensation was not enough to make up for the emotional distress caused by the incident.(她觉得金钱上的赔偿不足以弥补事故造成的精神困扰。)

9. The court ordered the company to pay significant compensation to the victim of the workplace accident.(法院判决公司向工作场所事故受害者支付巨额赔偿。)

10. The airline provided compensation to the passengers for the flight delay.(航空公司为航班延误向乘客提供了赔偿。)

11. The employee's compensation package included healthcare benefits and a retirement plan.(员工的薪酬套餐包括医疗福利和退休计划。)

12. The company offered stock options as part of the compensation package for senior executives.(公司为高级管理人员的薪酬套餐提供了股票期权。)

13. The victim's family received financial compensation from the criminal responsible for their loss.(受害者的家人从造成他们损失的罪犯那里获得了经济赔偿。)

14. The union negotiated for better compensation and benefits for its members.(工会为其成员争取更好的薪酬和福利进行了谈判。)

15. The company offers competitive compensation to attract top talent in the industry.(公司提供有竞争力的薪酬以吸引行业顶尖人才。)

16. The compensation for the freelance project was negotiated between the client and the contractor.(自由职业项目的报酬是由客户和承包商协商确定的。)

17. The employee was satisfied with the compensation package offered by the new employer.(员工对新雇主提供的薪酬套餐感到满意。)

18. The company provided compensation to the customers affected by the product recall.(公司向受产品召回影响的客户提供了赔偿。)

19. The compensation for the injury sustained at work included medical expenses and lost wages.(工作受伤的赔偿包括医疗费用和工资损失。)

20. The court awarded substantial compensation to the plaintiff in the lawsuit.(法院判决在诉讼中向原告支付了大额赔偿。)

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