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时间: 2024-09-17 13:39:08


1. She made a confession to the police about her involvement in the crime.(她向警方承认了自己参与犯罪的事实。)

2. His confession of love took her by surprise.(他对她的爱的表白让她感到惊讶。)

3. The prisoner's confession was used as evidence in court.(囚犯的供词被作为法庭证据使用。)

4. After years of hiding his true feelings, he finally made a confession to his best friend.(经过多年隐藏真实感情,他终于向他最好的朋友坦白了。)

5. The priest listened to the woman's confession and offered her forgiveness.(牧师听取了这位女士的忏悔并给予她宽恕。)

6. Her public confession of her mistakes showed her courage and humility.(她公开承认自己的错误展示了她的勇气和谦逊。)

7. The suspect's confession led to the arrest of several accomplices.(嫌疑人的供词导致了几名同伙的逮捕。)

8. The confession booth in the church provides a safe space for people to confess their sins.(教堂里的忏悔室为人们提供了一个安全的地方来忏悔他们的罪过。)

9. She wrote a heartfelt confession in her diary, expressing her deepest fears and regrets.(她在日记中写下了一份真挚的忏悔,表达了她最深的恐惧和遗憾。)

10. The criminal's confession was a crucial piece of evidence that helped solve the case.(罪犯的供词是帮助解决案件的关键证据。)

11. The confession of his infidelity destroyed their marriage.(他对不忠的承认毁掉了他们的婚姻。)

12. She made a confession to her parents about her struggles with addiction.(她向父母坦白了自己与成瘾问题的斗争。)

13. The confession of his love for her brought tears to her eyes.(他对她的爱的忏悔让她热泪盈眶。)

14. The suspect's confession was recorded on video for further investigation.(嫌疑人的供词被录制在视频中以供进一步调查。)

15. The priest offered absolution after hearing the man's confession.(牧师在听完这个男人的忏悔后给予了赦免。)

16. Despite the consequences, she decided to make a confession and come clean about her actions.(尽管会面临后果,她还是决定坦白并对自己的行为做出交代。)

17. The confession of his crime weighed heavily on his conscience.(他对犯罪的忏悔让他的良心沉重。)

18. The confession of her affair shattered their trust in each other.(她对外遇的忏悔打碎了他们之间的信任。)

19. The criminal's confession was a last-ditch effort to seek leniency from the judge.(罪犯的供词是最后一搏,试图从法官那里获得宽大处理。)

20. The confession booth provided a place for people to unburden their souls and seek forgiveness.(忏悔室为人们提供了一个地方来卸下灵魂的重担并寻求宽恕。)

上一个 【英语】conclusion的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】confirmation的例句



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