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时间: 2024-09-17 13:40:46


1. The confrontation between the two rival gangs led to a violent brawl in the streets.


2. The confrontation between the employee and his boss ended with the employee being fired.


3. The confrontation between the two countries escalated into a full-blown war.


4. The confrontation with his inner demons forced him to seek therapy.


5. The confrontation between the protesters and the police turned violent.


6. After hours of heated confrontation, they finally reached a compromise.


7. The confrontation between the superhero and the supervillain was epic.


8. The confrontation between the siblings over their inheritance tore the family apart.


9. The confrontation between the teacher and the student ended with the student being suspended.


10. The confrontation between the CEO and the board of directors resulted in a major company shake-up.


11. 他们之间的对抗一触即发,几乎演变成了一场激烈的冲突。

(The confrontation between them was on the verge of erupting into a fierce conflict.)

12. 警察和暴徒之间的对抗导致了数十人被捕。

(The confrontation between the police and the rioters led to the arrest of dozens of people.)

13. 他们之间的对抗只会让局势更加恶化。

(The confrontation between them will only make the situation worse.)

14. 这场对抗已经持续了好几个星期,双方都在寻求一种解决方案。

(The confrontation has been going on for several weeks, with both sides seeking a solution.)

15. 他们之间的对抗是由于长期积压的不满情绪。

(The confrontation between them was fueled by long-standing feelings of resentment.)

16. 政治领袖之间的对抗使得整个国家陷入了混乱。

(The confrontation between political leaders plunged the entire country into chaos.)

17. 这场对抗的结果是双方都遭受了损失。

(The result of the confrontation was that both sides suffered losses.)

18. 他们之间的对抗最终导致了他们的友谊破裂。

(The confrontation between them ultimately led to the breakdown of their friendship.)

19. 双方之间的对抗已经进入了僵局,需要第三方进行调解。

(The confrontation between the two sides has reached a stalemate and requires mediation from a third party.)

20. 他们之间的对抗最终演变成了一场生死搏斗。

(The confrontation between them ultimately turned into a fight for survival.)

上一个 【英语】confirmation的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】congratulate的例句



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