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时间: 2024-09-19 11:40:09


1. The team demonstrated excellent coordination during the project, resulting in a successful outcome.(团队在项目中表现出了出色的协调能力,取得了成功的结果。)

2. Good hand-eye coordination is essential for playing sports like basketball and tennis.(良好的手眼协调能力对于打篮球和网球等运动至关重要。)

3. The coordination between the different departments of the company could be improved to enhance productivity.(公司各部门之间的协调可以加强以提高生产力。)

4. The dancers moved in perfect coordination with the music, creating a mesmerizing performance.(舞者们与音乐完美协调,创造出令人着迷的表演。)

5. The coordination of efforts between the two countries led to a successful diplomatic agreement.(两国之间的努力协调导致了成功的外交协议。)

6. The lack of coordination among the team members resulted in confusion and delays.(团队成员之间缺乏协调导致混乱和延迟。)

7. The coordination of colors and patterns in the interior design created a harmonious and stylish living space.(室内设计中颜色和图案的协调创造了和谐且时尚的生活空间。)

8. Effective coordination between the different government agencies is crucial for disaster response and recovery efforts.(政府不同机构之间的有效协调对于灾难应对和恢复工作至关重要。)

9. The coordination between the actors on stage was seamless, creating a captivating performance for the audience.(舞台上演员之间的协调无缝衔接,为观众创造出迷人的表演。)

10. The project manager is responsible for ensuring smooth coordination between all team members to meet project deadlines.(项目经理负责确保所有团队成员之间的顺畅协调,以满足项目的截止日期。)

11. The coordination between the marketing and sales departments is essential for achieving revenue targets.(市场营销部门和销售部门之间的协调对于实现营收目标至关重要。)

12. The synchronized movements of the dancers showcased their impeccable coordination and skill.(舞者们同步的动作展示了他们无可挑剔的协调和技巧。)

13. The lack of coordination between the different levels of government led to inefficiencies in public service delivery.(政府不同层级之间缺乏协调导致公共服务交付效率低下。)

14. The successful coordination of logistics and transportation ensured timely delivery of goods to customers.(物流和运输的成功协调确保了及时将货物送达客户手中。)

15. The coordination of schedules among team members is crucial for ensuring smooth workflow and project completion.(团队成员之间日程安排的协调对于确保工作流程顺畅和项目完成至关重要。)

16. The coordination of efforts between the police and community members led to a significant decrease in crime rates.(警方和社区成员之间的努力协调导致犯罪率大幅下降。)

17. The coordination of colors in the painting created a sense of harmony and balance.(画作中颜色的协调创造了一种和谐和平衡感。)

18. The lack of coordination between the departments caused delays in decision-making and implementation.(各部门之间缺乏协调导致决策和实施方面的延迟。)

19. The coordination of movements in the dance routine required precision and practice to execute flawlessly.(舞蹈节目中动作的协调需要精密和练习才能完美执行。)

20. Effective coordination between healthcare professionals is essential for providing quality patient care.(医护人员之间有效协调对于提供优质患者护理至关重要。)

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