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时间: 2024-09-19 11:42:44


1. Please unplug the power cord before attempting to repair the appliance. 请在尝试维修电器之前拔掉电源线。

2. The cord on my headphones got tangled in my bag. 我耳机的线在我的包里纠缠在一起了。

3. She tied the curtains back with a cord. 她用绳子把窗帘绑了起来。

4. The doctor clamped the umbilical cord before cutting it. 医生在剪断脐带之前夹住了它。

5. The extension cord wasn't long enough to reach the outlet. 延长线不够长,无法到达插座。

6. The cord of the phone was frayed and needed to be replaced. 电话线磨损了,需要更换。

7. The climbers used a rope to secure themselves to the mountain. 登山者用绳子把自己系在山上。

8. The cord of the vacuum cleaner got caught on the chair. 吸尘器的线被椅子卡住了。

9. The cord of the blinds was too short to reach the floor. 百叶窗的绳子太短,无法触地。

10. She wrapped the cord around the handle to keep it from dangling. 她把绳子绕在把手上,以免它摇晃。

11. The cord of the computer was neatly tucked away behind the desk. 电脑的线被整齐地藏在桌子后面。

12. He tied the package with a cord before sending it off. 他在寄出前用绳子把包裹系好。

13. The power cord for the printer is too short to reach the outlet. 打印机的电源线太短,无法到达插座。

14. The cord of the earbuds got tangled in my pocket. 耳机的线在口袋里纠缠在一起了。

15. The cord of the iron was twisted and knotted. 熨斗的线被扭曲打结了。

16. The umbilical cord provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus in the womb. 脐带为子宫内的胎儿提供营养和氧气。

17. She tied the package with a cord before sending it off. 她在寄出前用绳子把包裹系好。

18. The extension cord wasn't long enough to reach the outlet. 延长线不够长,无法到达插座。

19. The climbers used a rope to secure themselves to the mountain. 登山者用绳子把自己系在山上。

20. The cord of the vacuum cleaner got caught on the chair. 吸尘器的线被椅子卡住了。

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