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时间: 2024-09-18 14:30:59


1. The hospital corridor was bustling with nurses and doctors.


2. The long corridor seemed to stretch on endlessly.


3. She walked down the dimly lit corridor, feeling a sense of unease.


4. The students lined up in the corridor, waiting for the bell to ring.


5. The hotel corridor was filled with the sound of guests coming and going.


6. The corridor connected the main building to the annex.


7. She peered down the deserted corridor, feeling a shiver run down her spine.


8. The narrow corridor was lined with old photographs and paintings.


9. The office corridor was a hive of activity as employees rushed to meetings.


10. The corridor was filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread from the kitchen.


11. 他们走进了狭窄的走廊。

(They entered a narrow corridor.)

12. 走廊两旁的墙壁上挂满了古老的油画。

(The walls on either side of the corridor were lined with ancient oil paintings.)

13. 她在走廊上来回踱步,焦急地等待着好消息。

(She paced up and down the corridor, anxiously awaiting good news.)

14. 医院走廊上一片混乱,医生和护士们匆忙来去。

(The hospital corridor was chaotic, with doctors and nurses rushing back and forth.)

15. 这条走廊通往实验室。

(The corridor leads to the laboratory.)

16. 我在走廊上碰到了老师,她正在去开会。

(I ran into my teacher in the corridor; she was on her way to a meeting.)

17. 他们在走廊里大声喧哗,惹得其他人都投来不满的目光。

(They were loud and rowdy in the corridor, earning disapproving looks from others.)

18. 走廊里的灯光昏暗,给人一种阴森的感觉。

(The corridor was dimly lit, giving off a spooky vibe.)

19. 我们在走廊上漫步,享受着清晨的宁静。

(We strolled along the corridor, enjoying the morning tranquility.)

20. 走廊里的装饰很有特色,吸引了许多游客的目光。

(The decorations in the corridor were unique and caught the eyes of many tourists.)

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