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时间: 2024-09-20 10:08:35


1. Our company stores all customer information in a secure database. (我们公司将所有客户信息存储在一个安全的数据库中。)

2. The database contains thousands of records that need to be updated regularly. (这个数据库包含数千条需要定期更新的记录。)

3. I need to access the database to retrieve some important data for my presentation. (我需要访问数据库以检索一些我演示所需的重要数据。)

4. The database administrator is responsible for maintaining and securing the company's database. (数据库管理员负责维护和保护公司的数据库。)

5. We use a relational database to organize and manage our inventory. (我们使用关系数据库来组织和管理我们的库存。)

6. The database backup was corrupted, causing us to lose important information. (数据库备份损坏了,导致我们丢失了重要信息。)

7. I need to run a query on the database to extract specific data for analysis. (我需要在数据库上运行一个查询,以提取特定的数据进行分析。)

8. Our database is cloud-based, allowing for easy access from anywhere with an internet connection. (我们的数据库是基于云的,可以通过任何有互联网连接的地方方便访问。)

9. The database schema outlines the structure of the tables and relationships within the database. (数据库模式概述了数据库中表和关系的结构。)

10. The database is designed to handle a large volume of transactions efficiently. (这个数据库被设计用来高效处理大量的交易。)

11. The database server crashed, causing a temporary loss of access to critical data. (数据库服务器崩溃了,导致暂时无法访问关键数据。)

12. The database software we use is known for its reliability and performance. (我们使用的数据库软件以其可靠性和性能而闻名。)

13. The database needs to be normalized to eliminate redundancy and improve efficiency. (数据库需要进行规范化以消除冗余并提高效率。)

14. The database administrator is responsible for ensuring data integrity and security. (数据库管理员负责确保数据的完整性和安全性。)

15. Our marketing team relies on the database to track customer preferences and behavior. (我们的营销团队依赖数据库来跟踪客户的偏好和行为。)

16. The database management system allows users to interact with the database through a user-friendly interface. (数据库管理系统允许用户通过友好的界面与数据库进行交互。)

17. The database contains sensitive information that must be protected from unauthorized access. (数据库包含敏感信息,必须保护免受未经授权的访问。)

18. We need to migrate our database to a new platform to take advantage of its advanced features. (我们需要将数据库迁移到新平台,以利用其先进的功能。)

19. The database administrator is responsible for optimizing database performance and resolving any issues that arise. (数据库管理员负责优化数据库性能并解决出现的任何问题。)

20. The database is constantly being updated with new information to ensure accuracy and relevance. (数据库不断更新新信息,以确保准确性和相关性。)

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