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时间: 2024-10-06 20:52:19


1. I need to take a dose of medicine every four hours. 我需要每四个小时服一次药。

2. She received a high dose of radiation therapy for her cancer. 她接受了大剂量的放射治疗来治疗她的癌症。

3. The doctor prescribed a dose of antibiotics to treat the infection. 医生开了一剂抗生素来治疗感染。

4. He took a double dose of the pain medication by accident. 他不小心服了双倍的止痛药。

5. The recommended dose for this medication is one tablet per day. 这种药的推荐剂量是每天一片。

6. The vaccine requires two doses for full effectiveness. 这种疫苗需要两剂才能发挥完全效果。

7. She took a large dose of caffeine to stay awake during her night shift. 她服了大量的咖啡因来保持清醒,以完成她的夜班。

8. A small dose of stress can actually be beneficial for motivation. 一点点压力实际上可以激发动力。

9. The doctor adjusted the dose of the medication to better suit the patient's needs. 医生调整了药物的剂量以更好地满足病人的需要。

10. It's important to follow the recommended dose for over-the-counter medications. 服用非处方药时,遵循推荐的剂量很重要。

11. The child was given a dose of cough syrup to help with his cold. 给孩子服了一剂止咳糖浆来帮助他的感冒。

12. The scientist administered a small dose of the experimental drug to the lab mice. 科学家给实验小白鼠服了一小剂实验药物。

13. Too high a dose of this medication can be dangerous. 这种药物剂量太高会有危险。

14. The doctor recommended a dose of vitamin D supplements for the patient. 医生建议给病人服用维生素D补充剂。

15. The patient experienced side effects from the high dose of the medication. 病人因为服用高剂量药物而出现了副作用。

16. The pharmacist measured out the correct dose of the medication for the patient. 药剂师为病人测量了正确的药物剂量。

17. It's important to space out the doses of this medication throughout the day. 这种药物的剂量在一天内分散服用很重要。

18. The doctor administered a dose of anesthesia before the surgery. 医生在手术前给了一剂麻醉药。

19. The correct dose of this medication can vary depending on the patient's weight. 这种药物的正确剂量因病人的体重而异。

20. The recommended dose for children is different than for adults. 儿童的推荐剂量与成人不同。

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