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时间: 2024-10-06 16:40:49


1. The drummer played a fast beat on the drum.

2. She could hear the distant sound of a drum beating.

3. The marching band's drum section was particularly impressive.

4. He tapped his fingers on the table like a drum.

5. The drum was used to set the rhythm for the dancers.

6. The sound of the drum echoed through the valley.

7. The drummer's hands moved quickly across the drum's surface.

8. The drummers played in perfect unison.

9. The drum was decorated with intricate patterns.

10. The drum's skin was stretched tightly over the frame.

11. The drum's deep, resonant tone filled the room.

12. The drum solo brought the crowd to their feet.

13. The drum is a traditional instrument in many cultures.

14. The drum was used to communicate messages across long distances.

15. The drummers performed a traditional dance to the beat of the drum.

16. The drum's rhythm set the pace for the entire performance.

17. The drum was passed down through generations of the family.

18. The drum's sound could be heard from miles away.

19. The drum was the centerpiece of the musical ensemble.

20. The drummers' synchronized movements created a mesmerizing performance.


1. 鼓手在鼓上快速敲击。

2. 她能听到远处有鼓声传来。

3. 军乐队的鼓组特别令人印象深刻。

4. 他像敲打鼓一样在桌子上拍手指。

5. 鼓被用来为舞者们定下节奏。

6. 鼓声在山谷中回荡。

7. 鼓手的手在鼓面上迅速移动。

8. 鼓手们完美地协作演奏。

9. 鼓上装饰着复杂的图案。

10. 鼓皮被拉得很紧。

11. 鼓的深沉共鸣的音调充满了整个房间。

12. 鼓独奏使观众起立鼓掌。

13. 鼓是许多文化中的传统乐器。

14. 鼓被用来在长距离传递消息。

15. 鼓手们以鼓的节奏表演传统舞蹈。

16. 鼓的节奏为整个表演设定了节奏。

17. 鼓是家族代代相传的。

18. 鼓声可以在数英里外听到。

19. 鼓是乐团的中心。

20. 鼓手们协调的动作创造了一个迷人的表演。

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