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时间: 2024-10-06 17:55:16


1. The lecture was so dull that I struggled to stay awake.(这个讲座太无聊了,我几乎睡着了。)

2. The dull knife couldn't cut through the tough steak.(这把钝刀无法切开坚硬的牛排。)

3. The dull weather made me feel gloomy.(阴沉的天气让我感到沮丧。)

4. His dull expression showed no emotion.(他木讷的表情没有任何情绪。)

5. The movie was so dull that I left halfway through.(这部电影太乏味了,我中途就离开了。)

6. The dull sound of rain on the roof was soothing.(屋顶上雨水发出的沉闷声音让人感到舒缓。)

7. The dull ache in her back wouldn't go away.(她背部的隐痛一直没有消失。)

8. The dull color of the wall made the room feel drab.(墙壁的暗淡颜色让房间显得沉闷。)

9. He had a dull job that offered no excitement.(他的工作枯燥乏味,没有任何刺激。)

10. The dull thud of the hammer echoed through the empty room.(榔头的沉闷撞击声在空荡荡的房间中回荡。)


1. 无聊的;乏味的

2. 钝的;不锋利的

3. 阴沉的;无光泽的

4. 愚蠢的;愚钝的

5. 乏味的;索然无味的

6. 沉闷的;阴郁的

7. 隐痛的;钝痛的

8. 暗淡的;无生气的

9. 枯燥乏味的

10. 沉闷的;低沉的

上一个 【英语】duke的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】dumb的例句



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