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时间: 2024-10-06 18:50:40


1. The hiker stood on the edge of the cliff, admiring the breathtaking view below. (这位徒步者站在悬崖的边缘,欣赏着下面令人叹为观止的景色。)

2. She felt a rush of adrenaline as she approached the edge of the roller coaster. (当她接近过山车的边缘时,她感到一阵肾上腺素飙升。)

3. The knife slipped and cut his finger as he tried to sharpen it on the edge of the table. (当他试图在桌子边缘上磨刀时,刀子滑了一下,割伤了他的手指。)

4. The team's performance was on the edge of perfection, with just a few minor mistakes. (团队的表现接近完美,只有一些小错误。)

5. She lived life on the edge, always seeking out new adventures and challenges. (她过着刺激的生活,总是寻找新的冒险和挑战。)

6. The edge of the paper was torn, making it look ragged. (纸张的边缘被撕裂,看起来很破烂。)

7. The company's innovative products gave it a competitive edge in the market. (公司的创新产品使其在市场上具有竞争优势。)

8. He was on the edge of exhaustion after working long hours without a break. (他连续工作了很长时间,没有休息,已经快要精疲力尽了。)

9. The edge of the lake was lined with colorful flowers. (湖边开满了五彩缤纷的花朵。)

10. The team was on the edge of victory, needing just one more goal to win the game. (球队即将获得胜利,只需要再进一球就能赢得比赛。)

11. She carefully ran her finger along the edge of the book, feeling the smoothness of the pages. (她小心翼翼地用手指沿着书的边缘摩擦,感受着页面的光滑。)

12. The company's new marketing strategy gave it the edge over its competitors. (公司的新营销策略使其在竞争对手面前占据了优势。)

13. The edge of the sword gleamed in the sunlight. (刀剑的刃在阳光下闪闪发光。)

14. He was standing at the edge of a major decision, unsure of which path to take. (他站在一个重要决定的边缘,不确定该选择哪条道路。)

15. The edge of the table was sharp, and she accidentally cut herself on it. (桌子的边缘很锋利,她不小心割伤了自己。)

16. The company's new CEO brought a fresh perspective and a cutting-edge approach to business. (公司的新CEO带来了全新的视角和尖端的商业方法。)

17. They were on the edge of bankruptcy before a last-minute investment saved the company. (他们在破产的边缘,最后一刻的投资才挽救了公司。)

18. The edge of the forest was shrouded in mist, creating an eerie atmosphere. (森林的边缘被薄雾笼罩,营造出一种怪异的氛围。)

19. The cat balanced on the edge of the windowsill, peering down at the street below. (猫在窗台边缘上保持平衡,向下凝视着下面的街道。)

20. The edge of the mountain was treacherous, and they had to be careful as they climbed. (山的边缘很危险,他们在攀登时必须小心。)

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