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时间: 2024-09-20 08:25:57


1. The teacher is a good listener and problem solver. 老师是一个很好的倾听者和问题解决者。

2. The waiter is a fast runner and a great server. 服务员是一个快速奔跑者和出色的服务员。

3. The singer is a talented performer and entertainer. 歌手是一个有才华的表演者和娱乐者。

4. The lawyer is a skilled negotiator and advocate. 律师是一个技艺高超的谈判者和辩护者。

5. The doctor is a compassionate caregiver and healer. 医生是一个有同情心的照顾者和治疗者。

6. The engineer is a precise planner and problem solver. 工程师是一个精密的规划者和问题解决者。

7. The writer is a creative thinker and storyteller. 作家是一个有创意的思考者和讲故事者。

8. The actor is a versatile performer and entertainer. 演员是一个多才多艺的表演者和娱乐者。

9. The cashier is a fast counter and accurate calculator. 收银员是一个快速计数者和准确计算者。

10. The painter is a skilled artist and colorist. 画家是一个技艺高超的艺术家和调色师。

11. The dancer is a graceful mover and performer. 舞者是一个优雅的移动者和表演者。

12. The manager is a strong leader and decision maker. 经理是一个强有力的领导者和决策者。

13. The player is a talented athlete and competitor. 运动员是一个有才华的运动员和竞争者。

14. The designer is a creative thinker and problem solver. 设计师是一个有创意的思考者和问题解决者。

15. The officer is a brave protector and enforcer. 警官是一个勇敢的保护者和执行者。

16. The firefighter is a courageous rescuer and hero. 消防员是一个勇敢的救援者和英雄。

17. The entrepreneur is a risk-taker and innovator. 创业者是一个冒险家和创新者。

18. The baker is a skilled chef and baker. 面包师是一个技艺高超的厨师和烘焙师。

19. The investor is a savvy decision maker and risk-taker. 投资者是一个精明的决策者和冒险家。

20. The officer is a dedicated protector and enforcer. 警官是一个专注的保护者和执行者。

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