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时间: 2024-10-05 19:37:51


1. 他的电话总是被干扰,听起来很嘈杂。

His phone is always being interfered with, it sounds very noisy.

2. 别让任何事物干扰你的专注。

Don't let anything interfere with your focus.

3. 糟糕的天气干扰了我们的计划。

The bad weather interfered with our plans.

4. 请不要干扰我,我正在专心工作。

Please don't disturb me, I'm concentrating on my work.

5. 这种噪音干扰了我对问题的思考。

This noise interfered with my thinking on the problem.

6. 他总是干扰我的学习。

He always disturbs my studying.

7. 请不要干扰我的思绪。

Please don't disturb my thoughts.

8. 这个问题一直在干扰我的睡眠。

This issue has been interfering with my sleep.

9. 他的行为干扰了整个会议。

His behavior disrupted the entire meeting.

10. 这些外部因素会干扰我们的计划。

These external factors will disrupt our plans.

11. 请不要打扰我,我正在工作。

Please don't disturb me, I'm working.

12. 这种干扰会影响我们的通信。

This interference will affect our communication.

13. 他的行为严重干扰了我们的进展。

His behavior seriously disrupted our progress.

14. 这种噪音会干扰我们的会谈。

This noise will interfere with our conversation.

15. 请不要干扰我,我正在看电视。

Please don't disturb me, I'm watching TV.

16. 这些干扰源可能会影响我们的无线网络。

These sources of interference may affect our wireless network.

17. 他的不断打断干扰了我的工作。

His constant interruptions disrupted my work.

18. 这种频繁的干扰使得收音机无法正常工作。

This frequent interference is causing the radio to malfunction.

19. 请尽量不要在我写作业的时候干扰我。

Please try not to disturb me while I'm doing my homework.

20. 这些外部因素会干扰我们的计划。

These external factors will disrupt our plans.

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