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时间: 2024-09-20 07:26:16


1. 他们的婚姻出现了问题,因为丈夫偷情了。

Their marriage was in trouble because the husband had an affair.

2. 她发现自己的丈夫偷情了,心如刀割。

She was heartbroken to discover her husband was having an affair.

3. 他们的婚姻破裂了,因为妻子偷情了。

Their marriage fell apart because the wife was having an affair.

4. 他和她之间的关系变得复杂,因为他们偷情了。

Their relationship became complicated because they were having an affair.

5. 她从来没有想过自己会偷情,直到那个男人出现在她的生活中。

She never thought she would have an affair until that man came into her life.

6. 他因为偷情而感到内疚和后悔。

He felt guilty and remorseful for having an affair.

7. 她对他的偷情行为感到愤怒和伤心。

She was angry and heartbroken over his affair.

8. 他们的婚姻陷入了困境,因为他们都偷情了。

Their marriage was in trouble because they were both having affairs.

9. 她发誓永远不会偷情,但最终还是被诱惑了。

She swore she would never have an affair, but eventually succumbed to temptation.

10. 他们的婚姻因他的偷情而岌岌可危。

Their marriage was on the brink of collapse because of his affair.

11. 她发现自己陷入了一场危险的偷情关系。

She found herself in a dangerous affair.

12. 他们的婚姻因为她的偷情而破裂了。

Their marriage fell apart because of her affair.

13. 他们的婚姻因为他的偷情而陷入了危机。

Their marriage was in crisis because of his affair.

14. 她和他之间的偷情关系变得越来越复杂。

Their affair became more and more complicated.

15. 他们的婚姻因为他们之间的偷情而摇摇欲坠。

Their marriage was on the verge of collapse because of their affair.

16. 她深陷一场毁灭性的偷情中,无法自拔。

She was deeply involved in a destructive affair, unable to extricate herself.

17. 他的婚姻因为他的偷情而彻底崩溃了。

His marriage completely fell apart because of his affair.

18. 她发誓永远不会再偷情了,但很快就违背了自己的誓言。

She swore she would never have an affair again, but soon broke her promise.

19. 他们的婚姻因为他们的偷情行为而面临着分崩离析的危险。

Their marriage was in danger of falling apart because of their affair.

20. 她意识到自己陷入了一场毁灭性的偷情中,必须采取行动来解脱。

She realized she was in a destructive affair and needed to take action to break free.

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