时间: 2024-11-01 22:56:18
1. 传说中雷公会在雷电中奔走,发出震耳欲聋的雷声。
Legend has it that the Thunder God roams in the thunder and emits deafening thunder.
2. 暴风雨中,雷公的怒吼让人心惊胆颤。
In the storm, the roar of the Thunder God is terrifying.
3. 雷公的怒火让整个天空都在颤抖。
The Thunder God's anger makes the whole sky tremble.
4. 农民们相信雷公的怒吼可以驱赶恶鬼。
Farmers believe that the roar of the Thunder God can drive away evil spirits.
5. 传说中雷公是天空的守护神。
Legend has it that the Thunder God is the guardian of the sky.
6. 在雷鸣中,人们祈求雷公保佑他们的安全。
In the thunder, people pray for the Thunder God to bless their safety.
7. 雷公的怒吼似乎在向人们宣告着警告。
The roar of the Thunder God seems to be declaring a warning to people.
8. 雷公的力量无法被人类所控制。
The power of the Thunder God cannot be controlled by humans.
9. 在雷电中,人们常常感叹雷公的威力。
In the thunder and lightning, people often marvel at the power of the Thunder God.
10. 暴风雨中,雷公的存在让人们感到敬畏。
In the storm, the presence of the Thunder God makes people feel awe.
11. The Thunder God's fury can be seen in the raging storm.
12. Farmers believe that the roar of the Thunder God can bring fertility to the land.
13. People used to pray to the Thunder God for protection during thunderstorms.
14. The roar of the Thunder God echoed through the valley.
15. The Thunder God is often depicted as a powerful deity in many mythologies.
16. Legend has it that the Thunder God wields a mighty hammer to create thunder.
17. The ancient Greeks believed that Zeus was the Thunder God.
18. The Thunder God was believed to bring both destruction and renewal.
19. The Thunder God's presence was felt in the crackling of lightning and the rumbling of thunder.
20. The Thunder God was revered as a symbol of power and authority.