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时间: 2024-09-19 03:45:23


1. 晚上十点,学校要求所有学生熄灯。

At ten o'clock in the evening, the school requires all students to turn off the lights.

2. 妈妈让我熄灯去睡觉。

Mom told me to turn off the lights and go to bed.

3. 为了节约能源,我们每天晚上都会在九点熄灯。

To save energy, we turn off the lights at nine every night.

4. 他们在房间里熄灯,然后悄悄地离开了。

They turned off the lights in the room and then quietly left.

5. 睡前熄灯可以帮助你更快地入睡。

Turning off the lights before bed can help you fall asleep faster.

6. 请在离开房间之前熄灯。

Please turn off the lights before leaving the room.

7. 他走进卧室,熄灯后躺在床上。

He walked into the bedroom, turned off the lights, and lay down on the bed.

8. 为了保护环境,我们应该养成熄灯节能的好习惯。

To protect the environment, we should develop the good habit of turning off the lights to save energy.

9. 在睡前熄灯读书是一件很放松的事情。

Reading with the lights off before bed is very relaxing.

10. 请不要忘记熄灯后再离开房间。

Please don't forget to turn off the lights before leaving the room.

11. 他们在房间里熄灯,然后开始观赏星空。

They turned off the lights in the room and started watching the stars.

12. 为了省电,我晚上熄灯后就不再使用电脑了。

To save electricity, I don't use the computer after turning off the lights at night.

13. 每天晚上临睡前,我都会熄灯一段时间来冥想。

Every night before bed, I turn off the lights for a while to meditate.

14. 他们在熄灯后进行了一场惊险的夜间探险活动。

They went on an exciting nighttime adventure after turning off the lights.

15. 为了保护眼睛,我晚上读书时会熄灯。

To protect my eyes, I turn off the lights when reading at night.

16. 她在熄灯后很快进入了梦乡。

She quickly fell asleep after turning off the lights.

17. 我们应该养成熄灯节约能源的生活习惯。

We should develop the habit of turning off the lights to save energy.

18. 午夜时分,大家都熄灯睡觉了。

At midnight, everyone turned off the lights and went to sleep.

19. 请在离开房间之前记得熄灯。

Please remember to turn off the lights before leaving the room.

20. 为了保护星空,我们应该在晚上尽量熄灯。

To protect the starry sky, we should try to turn off the lights at night.

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