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时间: 2024-09-20 07:22:38


1. 他气急败坏地开始骂娘。

He started cursing his mother in frustration.

2. 他一气之下骂娘了。

He cursed his mother in a fit of anger.

3. 他骂娘的话语让人听了很不舒服。

His words cursing his mother made people uncomfortable.

4. 他骂娘的举动让所有人都感到震惊。

His act of cursing his mother shocked everyone.

5. 在激动的情绪下,他不小心骂了娘。

In a fit of emotion, he accidentally cursed his mother.

6. 他不该在公开场合骂娘。

He shouldn't have cursed his mother in public.

7. 他气愤地骂娘,引起了大家的不满。

His angry cursing of his mother caused disapproval from everyone.

8. 他骂娘的行为让人觉得很不尊重。

His behavior of cursing his mother was very disrespectful.

9. 他在生气时骂娘,立刻意识到自己的错误。

He cursed his mother in anger, immediately realizing his mistake.

10. 他骂娘的举动让他失去了朋友的信任。

His act of cursing his mother caused him to lose the trust of his friends.

11. 他骂娘的话语让他的家人感到非常伤心。

His words cursing his mother made his family very sad.

12. 他后悔骂娘,立刻向母亲道歉。

He regretted cursing his mother and immediately apologized to her.

13. 他在愤怒时骂娘,后来深感愧疚。

He cursed his mother in anger, later feeling guilty.

14. 他骂娘的行为让他失去了很多朋友。

His behavior of cursing his mother caused him to lose many friends.

15. 他在冲动下骂娘,事后深感懊悔。

He cursed his mother in a moment of impulse, later feeling regretful.

16. 他骂娘的举动让他的声誉受损。

His act of cursing his mother damaged his reputation.

17. 他骂娘的话语伤害了母亲的感情。

His words cursing his mother hurt her feelings.

18. 他骂娘的举动让他自己感到非常羞愧。

His act of cursing his mother made him feel very ashamed.

19. 他在愤怒中骂娘,后悔不已。

He cursed his mother in anger and regretted it deeply.

20. 他骂娘的行为让他失去了亲人的支持。

His behavior of cursing his mother caused him to lose the support of his relatives.

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