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时间: 2024-09-20 06:01:02


1. 广平是河北省的一个县级市。

Guangping is a county-level city in Hebei Province.

2. 我们去年去了广平古城,非常有意思。

We visited Guangping Ancient Town last year, it was very interesting.

3. 广平的农田风景很美丽。

The farmland scenery in Guangping is very beautiful.

4. 这个周末我们打算去广平爬山。

We plan to go hiking in Guangping this weekend.

5. 广平是一个历史悠久的地方,有很多古迹。

Guangping is a place with a long history and many historical sites.

6. 春天,广平的桃花盛开,美不胜收。

In spring, the peach blossoms in Guangping are in full bloom and very beautiful.

7. 我在广平的朋友告诉我,那里的水果非常甜。

My friend in Guangping told me that the fruits there are very sweet.

8. 广平的农民都非常勤劳。

The farmers in Guangping are very hardworking.

9. 我的家乡就在广平附近。

My hometown is near Guangping.

10. 广平的夜景很漂亮。

The night view of Guangping is very beautiful.

11. 我们打算去广平看樱花。

We plan to go to Guangping to see the cherry blossoms.

12. 广平的气候适宜农作物生长。

The climate in Guangping is suitable for the growth of crops.

13. 广平的特产有很多,比如广平大枣和广平葡萄。

Guangping has many specialties, such as Guangping dates and Guangping grapes.

14. 我很喜欢广平的乡村风光。

I really like the rural scenery in Guangping.

15. 广平是一个宁静而美丽的地方。

Guangping is a peaceful and beautiful place.

16. 我在广平的一个小村庄里租了一个小屋。

I rented a cottage in a small village in Guangping.

17. 我们一行人在广平的乡间小路上散步。

We took a walk on the country roads in Guangping.

18. 广平的民风淳朴,人们非常友好。

The people in Guangping are simple and friendly.

19. 我在广平的一家农家乐吃到了地道的农家菜。

I had authentic farmhouse dishes at a farmhouse inn in Guangping.

20. 我们计划下个月去广平温泉度假。

We plan to go to Guangping for a hot spring vacation next month.

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