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时间: 2024-09-29 04:53:58


1. 他侧耳倾听,试图听到远处的声音。

He cocked his ear, trying to catch the sound from a distance.

2. 她侧耳听着外面的动静。

She listened with her ear cocked to the outside sounds.

3. 他侧耳倾听了片刻,然后说:“我什么也没听到。”

He cocked his ear for a moment and then said, "I didn't hear anything."

4. 她侧耳静听,希望能听到一些线索。

She listened with her ear cocked, hoping to catch some clues.

5. 他侧耳聆听着远处传来的歌声。

He cocked his ear to the distant singing.

6. 他侧耳倾听,听到了远处传来的车辆声音。

He cocked his ear and heard the sound of vehicles in the distance.

7. 她侧耳倾听着远处的警报声。

She cocked her ear to the distant sound of an alarm.

8. 他侧耳听着远处传来的笑声。

He listened with his ear cocked to the distant laughter.

9. 她侧耳静听,试图听到远处传来的呼喊声。

She listened with her ear cocked, trying to catch the distant shouts.

10. 他侧耳倾听,试图听清楚对方在说什么。

He cocked his ear, trying to hear clearly what the other person was saying.

11. 她侧耳聆听,希望能听到一些好消息。

She listened with her ear cocked, hoping to hear some good news.

12. 他侧耳倾听着远处传来的歌声。

He cocked his ear to the distant singing.

13. 她侧耳静听,希望能听到一些线索。

She listened with her ear cocked, hoping to catch some clues.

14. 他侧耳聆听着远处传来的警报声。

He cocked his ear to the distant sound of an alarm.

15. 她侧耳倾听,听到了远处传来的车辆声音。

She cocked her ear and heard the sound of vehicles in the distance.

16. 他侧耳聆听,试图听清楚对方在说什么。

He cocked his ear, trying to hear clearly what the other person was saying.

17. 她侧耳静听,试图听到远处传来的呼喊声。

She listened with her ear cocked, trying to catch the distant shouts.

18. 他侧耳倾听了片刻,然后说:“我什么也没听到。”

He cocked his ear for a moment and then said, "I didn't hear anything."

19. 她侧耳听着外面的动静。

She listened with her ear cocked to the outside sounds.

20. 他侧耳倾听,试图听到远处的声音。

He cocked his ear, trying to catch the sound from a distance.

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