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时间: 2024-09-20 07:17:52


1. 这位姑娘真是个美丽的花朵。

The girl is a beautiful flower.

2. 那个姑娘长得很漂亮,让人一见倾心。

The girl is so beautiful that she captures people's hearts at first sight.

3. 姑娘,你需要帮忙吗?

Miss, do you need any help?

4. 那个姑娘是我的好朋友。

That girl is my good friend.

5. 姑娘们经常一起去购物。

The girls often go shopping together.

6. 这位姑娘很有自信。

The girl is very confident.

7. 姑娘们在花园里玩得很开心。

The girls are having a great time playing in the garden.

8. 姑娘,你的笑容真迷人。

Miss, your smile is so charming.

9. 那个姑娘是一个优秀的学生。

That girl is an excellent student.

10. 姑娘们正在练习跳舞。

The girls are practicing dancing.

11. 姑娘们在海滩上玩得很高兴。

The girls are having a great time playing on the beach.

12. 这位姑娘是一个天生的领袖。

The girl is a natural-born leader.

13. 姑娘们正在准备晚宴。

The girls are preparing for the dinner party.

14. 那个姑娘有一头乌黑的长发。

That girl has long, black hair.

15. 姑娘,你的礼貌令人钦佩。

Miss, your politeness is admirable.

16. 姑娘们在花丛中玩耍。

The girls are playing in the flowerbed.

17. 那个姑娘很有耐心。

That girl is very patient.

18. 姑娘们正在参加一个慈善活动。

The girls are participating in a charity event.

19. 这位姑娘有一双明亮的眼睛。

The girl has bright eyes.

20. 姑娘们正在享受阳光浴。

The girls are enjoying sunbathing.

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