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时间: 2024-09-20 10:18:59


1. 他的气概让人对他刮目相看。

His imposing manner commands respect.

2. 她的气概和自信给人留下了深刻的印象。

Her composure and confidence left a deep impression on people.

3. 他那种气概令人敬畏。

His demeanor is awe-inspiring.

4. 她的气概让人感到她是个坚强的女人。

Her bearing suggests she is a strong woman.

5. 他的气概和风度令人难忘。

His presence and demeanor are unforgettable.

6. 她有一种高贵的气概。

She has a noble bearing.

7. 他的气概给人一种自信和力量的感觉。

His bearing exudes confidence and strength.

8. 她的气概像一位女王般令人敬畏。

Her bearing is regal and commanding.

9. 他的气概让人感到他是个有决心的人。

His demeanor suggests he is a determined person.

10. 她的气概给人一种高贵的感觉。

Her presence exudes a sense of nobility.

11. 他的气概令人印象深刻。

His bearing leaves a deep impression.

12. 她的气概让人感到她是一个自信的人。

Her composure suggests she is a confident person.

13. 他的气概表现出他的果敢和坚定。

His bearing reflects his courage and determination.

14. 她的气概让人感到她是个优雅的女人。

Her demeanor suggests she is an elegant woman.

15. 他的气概给人一种威严的感觉。

His presence exudes a sense of authority.

16. 她的气概让人感到她是个有魅力的人。

Her bearing suggests she is a charismatic person.

17. 他的气概表现出他的自信和果断。

His demeanor reflects his confidence and decisiveness.

18. 她的气概让人感到她是个有魅力的女人。

Her composure suggests she is a charismatic woman.

19. 他的气概给人一种坚定不移的感觉。

His presence exudes a sense of unwavering determination.

20. 她的气概让人感到她是个坚强的个体。

Her bearing suggests she is a strong individual.

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