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时间: 2024-09-20 10:19:52


1. 他四顾张望,希望能找到出路。

He looked around in all directions, hoping to find a way out.

2. 站在山顶,可以四顾群山的壮丽景色。

Standing on the mountaintop, you can admire the magnificent scenery of the surrounding mountains.

3. 他四顾无人,便悄悄溜了出去。

Seeing no one around, he quietly slipped away.

4. 在这个陌生的城市里,她四顾张望,想找到自己的目的地。

In this unfamiliar city, she looked around in all directions, trying to find her destination.

5. 他四顾而无人,只好独自一人前行。

Seeing no one around, he had to continue on alone.

6. 他四顾着找了好一会儿,终于找到了那家小饭店。

He looked around for quite a while before finally finding the small restaurant.

7. 在这片广袤的原野上,他四顾着找寻着自己的牲畜。

In this vast wilderness, he looked around searching for his livestock.

8. 她四顾着找了很久,才找到了那个藏匿的宝藏。

She looked around for a long time before finding the hidden treasure.

9. 他四顾着,发现了一处隐蔽的洞穴。

Looking around, he discovered a secluded cave.

10. 在这片密林中,他四顾着寻找着出路。

In this dense forest, he looked around searching for a way out.

11. 他四顾着,寻找着可以藏身的地方。

He looked around, searching for a place to hide.

12. 四顾茫茫,却不见一丝希望的曙光。

Looking around in all directions, but not a glimmer of hope in sight.

13. 在这片沙漠中,他四顾着,却找不到一滴水。

In this desert, he looked around but couldn't find a drop of water.

14. 她四顾张望,发现自己已经迷路了。

She looked around and realized she had lost her way.

15. 在这片茫茫大海上,他四顾着,却不见任何船只。

On this vast sea, he looked around but saw no ships.

16. 他四顾着,却找不到任何可以遮风挡雨的地方。

He looked around, but couldn't find any place to shelter from the wind and rain.

17. 在这个险恶的森林中,他四顾着,寻找着逃生的路。

In this treacherous forest, he looked around, searching for an escape route.

18. 在这个陌生的城市里,他四顾着,希望能找到一个安全的地方。

In this unfamiliar city, he looked around, hoping to find a safe place.

19. 她四顾着,却找不到一个可以休息的地方。

She looked around, but couldn't find a place to rest.

20. 在这个险恶的环境中,他四顾着,希望能找到生存的希望。

In this hostile environment, he looked around, hoping to find a glimmer of survival.

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