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时间: 2024-09-20 10:07:48


1. 我们去剧院看了一部精彩的音乐剧。

We went to the theater to see a wonderful musical.

2. 这家剧院是城市的文化中心。

The theater is the cultural center of the city.

3. 我们在剧院里看到了一场精彩的舞蹈表演。

We saw a fantastic dance performance at the theater.

4. 这座剧院有着悠久的历史。

The theater has a long and rich history.

5. 她梦想成为一名剧院演员。

She dreams of becoming a theater actress.

6. 这座剧院的装修非常豪华。

The theater is lavishly decorated.

7. 剧院里的座位都已售罄。

All the seats in the theater have been sold out.

8. 剧院的外观设计非常独特。

The theater has a very unique exterior design.

9. 他在剧院工作了十年。

He has worked at the theater for ten years.

10. 在剧院里,观众们都很兴奋。

The audience is very excited in the theater.

11. 剧院的演出时间表已经发布了。

The theater's performance schedule has been released.

12. 剧院的建筑风格非常古典。

The architecture of the theater is very classical.

13. 我在剧院里遇到了一位老朋友。

I ran into an old friend at the theater.

14. 剧院的内部装饰非常精美。

The interior decoration of the theater is very exquisite.

15. 剧院的门票已经售罄。

The theater tickets have been sold out.

16. 我在剧院里看到了一场感人的话剧。

I saw a touching play at the theater.

17. 这座剧院是一座现代化的建筑。

The theater is a modern building.

18. 剧院里的氛围非常热闹。

The atmosphere in the theater is very lively.

19. 她在剧院工作,负责舞台布景。

She works at the theater and is in charge of stage design.

20. 我们计划下周去剧院看一部新上映的电影。

We plan to go to the theater next week to see a new movie.

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