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时间: 2024-09-20 11:56:19


1. 我们要提前准备好雨伞,免得下雨时淋湿了。

We need to prepare umbrellas in advance, so as not to get wet when it rains.

2. 我们要多喝水,免得脱水。

We need to drink more water, so as not to get dehydrated.

3. 我们要早点出发,免得迟到。

We need to leave early, so as not to be late.

4. 我们要认真听讲,免得错过重要的信息。

We need to listen carefully, so as not to miss important information.

5. 我们要锁好门窗,免得被盗。

We need to lock the doors and windows, so as not to be robbed.

6. 我们要备足食物和水,免得在野外迷路饥渴。

We need to bring enough food and water, so as not to get lost and hungry in the wilderness.

7. 我们要认真检查工作,免得出现差错。

We need to check our work carefully, so as not to make mistakes.

8. 我们要遵守交通规则,免得发生交通事故。

We need to follow traffic rules, so as not to have a traffic accident.

9. 我们要保持身体健康,免得生病。

We need to maintain good health, so as not to get sick.

10. 我们要谨慎行事,免得招惹麻烦。

We need to be cautious in our actions, so as not to invite trouble.

11. 我们要注意保护环境,免得破坏生态平衡。

We need to pay attention to protecting the environment, so as not to disrupt the ecological balance.

12. 我们要避免争吵,免得伤害感情。

We need to avoid quarrels, so as not to hurt our feelings.

13. 我们要避免过度消费,免得浪费资源。

We need to avoid excessive consumption, so as not to waste resources.

14. 我们要避免过度使用手机,免得影响健康。

We need to avoid excessive use of mobile phones, so as not to affect our health.

15. 我们要避免乱扔垃圾,免得污染环境。

We need to avoid littering, so as not to pollute the environment.

16. 我们要避免过度依赖网络,免得影响学习和工作。

We need to avoid excessive reliance on the internet, so as not to affect our studies and work.

17. 我们要定期检查身体,免得错过早期治疗的机会。

We need to have regular health check-ups, so as not to miss the opportunity for early treatment.

18. 我们要遵守法律法规,免得违法犯罪。

We need to comply with laws and regulations, so as not to commit crimes.

19. 我们要避免过度疲劳,免得影响身体健康。

We need to avoid excessive fatigue, so as not to affect our physical health.

20. 我们要保持心情愉快,免得影响生活质量。

We need to maintain a happy mood, so as not to affect our quality of life.

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