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时间: 2024-09-20 11:05:48


1. 我们公司有一套严格的守则,所有员工都必须遵守。

Our company has a strict set of rules that all employees must follow.

2. 这个游戏有一些守则,你需要遵守才能参与。

There are some rules for this game that you need to follow in order to participate.

3. 作为一名学生,你必须遵守学校的守则。

As a student, you must adhere to the school's rules.

4. 这个社区有一些守则,以确保居民的安全和幸福。

There are some rules in this community to ensure the safety and happiness of the residents.

5. 在这个团队中,我们有一些守则,以确保工作的高效进行。

In this team, we have some rules to ensure the efficient progress of work.

6. 他们违反了公司的守则,因此被解雇了。

They violated the company's rules and were therefore dismissed.

7. 这个项目有一些守则,需要遵守才能获得资金支持。

There are some rules for this project that need to be followed in order to receive funding support.

8. 作为一名运动员,你需要遵守比赛的守则。

As an athlete, you need to adhere to the rules of the game.

9. 这个组织有一套严格的守则,以确保成员的行为合乎道德标准。

This organization has a strict set of rules to ensure that members behave according to ethical standards.

10. 我们需要制定一套守则来管理团队的行为。

We need to establish a set of rules to govern the behavior of the team.

11. 学校的守则禁止在校园内吸烟。

The school's rules prohibit smoking on campus.

12. 作为家长,你应该教育孩子遵守家规。

As a parent, you should teach your children to follow the household rules.

13. 这个社区的守则包括垃圾分类和回收。

The rules of this community include garbage sorting and recycling.

14. 遵守交通规则是每个司机的责任。

Adhering to traffic rules is the responsibility of every driver.

15. 这个组织的守则明确规定了成员的权利和义务。

The rules of this organization clearly define the rights and obligations of its members.

16. 如果你违反了公司的守则,将会受到相应的处罚。

If you violate the company's rules, you will be subject to appropriate penalties.

17. 作为一名专业人士,你需要遵守行业的守则和准则。

As a professional, you need to adhere to the rules and regulations of the industry.

18. 政府制定了一套守则来管理金融机构的行为。

The government has established a set of rules to govern the behavior of financial institutions.

19. 这个比赛有一些守则,所有参与者都必须遵守。

There are some rules for this competition that all participants must follow.

20. 我们需要制定一套守则来确保公司的可持续发展。

We need to establish a set of rules to ensure the sustainable development of the company.

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