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时间: 2024-09-20 09:52:36


1. 在外面要留神安全。

Be careful about safety when you are outside.

2. 开车的时候一定要留神。

Always be vigilant when driving.

3. 在陌生地方要特别留神。

Be extra cautious in unfamiliar places.

4. 她提醒我要留神身体健康。

She reminded me to be mindful of my health.

5. 他警告我们在森林里要留神野生动物。

He warned us to be cautious of wild animals in the forest.

6. 在网上购物时要留神欺诈行为。

Be wary of fraud when shopping online.

7. 她一直提醒孩子们要留神陌生人。

She constantly reminds her children to be wary of strangers.

8. 在人群中要留神个人物品。

Be mindful of your personal belongings in a crowd.

9. 在疫情期间要留神卫生。

Be mindful of hygiene during the pandemic.

10. 他对学生们说要留神考试作弊行为。

He warned the students to be vigilant against cheating during exams.

11. 在海滩上游泳时要留神海浪。

Be cautious of the waves when swimming at the beach.

12. 老人家在行走时要留神摔倒。

The elderly should be careful of falling when walking.

13. 在购买二手商品时要留神品质。

Be mindful of the quality when buying second-hand items.

14. 她叮嘱我要留神言行举止。

She reminded me to be mindful of my words and actions.

15. 在烹饪时要留神火候。

Be attentive to the cooking time and temperature.

16. 在外出旅行时要留神天气变化。

Be cautious of weather changes when traveling.

17. 他提醒大家要留神交通安全。

He reminded everyone to be mindful of traffic safety.

18. 在野外露营时要留神野生动物的出没。

Be cautious of the presence of wild animals when camping in the wilderness.

19. 在工作中要留神职业道德。

Be mindful of professional ethics in the workplace.

20. 在处理文件时要留神机密性。

Be careful about confidentiality when handling documents.

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